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A description of flowers and songs

热度 1已有 3916 次阅读2017-11-18 09:07 |个人分类:纪实文学\报告文学|系统分类:文学分享到微信

A description of flowers and songs_图1-1

A description of flowers and songs_图1-2

"flowers and songs", the text is divided into seven parts, namely: township, highland miao township, entering the factory, entering into the city, zhuang xiang, restive, the countryside, a total of 111 bars. Content time span since the 1970 s to the turn of the century, about 50 years, from different angles, natural life, work, emotion, economy, politics, society, science, ethnic, geographic · · · · · ·, technique of expression by the means of the slide show mode, main performance in sketch way.


In the animation animation historical long river, fifty years passed. General view, a piece of history, if not bitter change history process of the war, or no extinctive natural disasters or change, this period of history cannot down the very long time.

And this short fifty years, gathered the upheaval in the Middle East, kosovo, the gulf, the war in Iraq; More superpower the disintegration of the Soviet union; Leading role, of course, is the United States of America, it is the leader of all things, it from the points advantage of strong ethnic and religious conflict.

China in the middle and all-encompassing, under the domination of Confucian culture, mainly using the sages of Mr Zhou enlai set \"mutual respect for sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful co-existence\" of the five principles, effective long-duration countries, have the opportunity of peaceful development, at the same time for the world to produce a large number of necessary commodities, meet the demand of the production life of the earth, also meet the needs of the war.




I in the literature, this paper briefly describes the Chinese big drought in the 1970 s, the end of last century the flooding and the "5 · 12 wenchuan earthquake" natural disasters.

In this work, I maybe will help you to understand that 50 years in China.



Of course, as an ordinary person, I am still a very rich man. It's just not just a limited amount of writing, and I don't want to be so verbose, so I'm just going to have to downplay it in terms of the tenderness of the water. If not, it is not my wish to write a great book.









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回复 剑舞兰花 2017-11-19 02:42


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