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Autel IM608 Repair Abnormal CAS3+ after Update Failed via OBD | Add Smart Key

已有 1855 次阅读2021-5-17 22:07 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, im608 分享到微信

After updating via OBD, when the abnormal CAS3+ (ISATAP) fails, how to repair and add the smart key? Autel IM608 with XP400 Pro can easily solve this problem by repairing EEPROM files and flash files online.


This is abnormal CAS3++ (ISTAP) after the update failed via OBD.

Note: it’s CAS3++ [ISTAP] from BMW X1

The chip is 0L15Y.

The working key cannot start now.


Method 1: Try to repair online first with ISTAP version repair in special function

Method 2: If not successful, then try this ECU repair by dump mode

Here use method 1 to repair ECU and then add new smart key.


Uninstall CAS box and welding cable APA109

Plug the APA109 cable into XP400 Pro

Connect XP400 Pro to Autel IM608 via USB cable

1.Repair CAS3++ 0L15Y ECU

Go to the main menu

Select IMMO-> BMW-> Manual selection-> X1-> 2008/09- 2015/06 E84

Confirm the vehicle profile

Select Control unit-> CAS3/CAS3+ Immobilizer-> ECU operation

Follow the instructions in the help information for strict operation.

It shows CAS position in BMW and Mini Cooper.

Select 0L15Y/0M23S and click the help button to check ECU operation guide and schematic diagram

Then select “Read EEPROM” and “Read Flash” to read the original data in sequence

After the original data is read out, save EEPROM file and Flash file sequentially

Back to CAS3/CAS3+ Immobilizer menu

Select Special function-> ECU repair-> 0L15Y/0M23S

Load the EEPROM and FLASH file just saved in sequence

Save new files with the new filenames: CAS3PlusEEPROMfileEdit-07052021.bin and CAS3PlusFlashfileEdit-07052021.bin

2.Add new smart remote

Back to CAS3/CAS3+ Immobilizer menu

Select Key operation-> Key learning-> Make key with file-> 0L15Y/0M23S

Load CAS3+ EEPROM data file (CAS3PlusEEPROMfileEdit-07052021.bin) which is just saved in ECU repair process 

Confirm the key info (VIN code, mileage, frequency, key mechanical code)

Choose one unused key position (e.g.key3) and press “Write key”

Select “Add key”

Put the working key into the XP400 Pro programmer card slot to read key info

After the key info is read out successfully, select “Semi-smart key”

Remove the working key and put the new key into the Autel XP400 Pro programmer to write key

Save the new EEPROM file (CAS3PlusEEPROMfileEdit-07052021_Modify.bin)

After the new file is saved successfully, go to flash the new CAS EEPROM file into car, then use the new dealer key start the engine.

Note: If CAS belongs to ISTAP version, don’t write new file back to CAS.

3.Restore new EEPROM and Flash file to CAS

Select ECU operation-> 0L15Y-> Write EEPROM 

Load CAS3PlusEEPROMfileEdit-07052021_Modify.bin file to write 

After the EEPROM file is written successfully, select “Write FLASH”

Load CAS3PlusFlashfileEdit-07052021.bin file to write 

Wait about 7-8 minutes

Write FLASH file successfully

Now this CAS can start the engine with normal operation!

Device recommended: 

Autel MaxiIM IM608 with XP400 Pro Advanced IMMO Key Programmer:








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