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Thinktool Master X and X-prog 3 Program Key for Benz W204 W207 Success

已有 718 次阅读2021-12-7 21:44 |系统分类:科技教育| launch, x-prog3 分享到微信

Today eobdtool is going to show you how to program Mercedes-Benz W204 W207 key using Thinktool Master X and Launch X-prog 3

Let's start it.

Step 1. Calculate Password

On Thinktool, press

Diagnose>>Mercedes-Benz>>Anti-theft Function

Connect X-prog 3, Thinktool tablet, ESL, EIS/EZS and SmartLink C(VCI) as required.

Enter main menu.


Anti-Theft Password Reading>>Operation On The Platform>>Calculate Password By Adding Key(network required)>>W204

Here it will ask us whether to continue since the EIS type we choose is different from the one it identifies.

We go on and follow instructions of working key on EIS and X-prog 3 programmer.

After about 5-10 minutes, insert & unplug 3 times and turn the Start Key to ON position as prompt.

Then we have the password and back up the file.

Step 2. Generate BE Key File

Now back to main menu.


Anti-Theft Key Matching>>Generate BE Key File

Load the key file we just calculated and it inputs password automatically. 

Choose unused key position (Key 8) to generate key files.

Step 3. Write BE Key File

Go back and select 

Write Key File>>Write Key File

Insert a new key into BE key slot on X-prog 3. 

Load the key file (Key 8) we just generated.

Write key file successfully.

See the new key unlocks the ESL.

This Master X is good, and this large SmartLink also supports trucks. 

That's how we add a BE key for Mercedes W204/207 by Thinktool Master X, SmartLink C and X-prog 3 Key Programmer

Now X-prog 3 Key Programmer "11.11" special offer with 12% OFF at:








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