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a bottle man

已有 2832 次阅读2011-4-24 22:31 |个人分类:散文|系统分类:美食分类分享到微信

One day , When i waited to bus at bus stop , I met a guy and talked with him .

When i asked to him about his job, He said:"befor i was a builder, But ,When i had fallen down from the roof, I broke my ankle ,Thus, lose my job,Now , Every month ,I have five hundred's subsidy from government ."

I heard that and i thought it, first ,He said to me about his rent,It's four hundred,So ,I asked to his :"That's not enough for you ,How do you maked enough money for your life?"

"Oh , I toke bottles and cans from carbage to maked little money.""How much did you got in month ?"" Two Handred dollors" That time ,I smelt some flavors from his mouth and saw a platsic's bottle with some yellow water inside in his right hand.,It''s look like beer.
"Are you marriage?""Yes, but ,I divorced, I had two childeen , They following my exwife with her liveing."

That time ,The bus came, He put his bicycle on rack of front bus ,Then , he got in, But ,he did'nt had money to paied for ticket,He explained several time to bus driver and passed.

Everybody ,sorry , My english is poor ,In my article has so problen in grammer,If you have time and found that ,Can you helping me to point and correction for me ,


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回复 国人 2011-4-24 23:03
some typos and comma error


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