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在员工创造力中人与情境互动的动机透镜模型(Motivational Lens Model) ...

已有 678 次阅读2021-1-14 15:16 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

在员工创造力中人与情境互动的动机透镜模型(Motivational Lens Model)

个人创造力源于个人特质与其所运作的情境的相互作用,这是创造力文献中最突出的主题之一。文献综述强调了在人-情境创造力(person-in-situation creativity)研究中观察到的5种不同的互动模式(特质激活、特质抑制、特质替代、特质通道和曲线交互)。但是,目前还没有一个整合的理论可以预测和解释这5种互动模式。


The idea that individual creativity derives from the interaction of personal traits and the situation in which the individual operates, is one of the most prominent themes within the creativity literature. A review of the literature highlights 5 distinct interaction patterns observed in person-in-situation creativity research (trait activation, trait inhibition, trait substitution, trait channeling, and curvilinear interactions). Yet at present there is no integrative theory that can predict and explain all 5 interaction patterns. To develop such integrative theory, we propose the motivational lens model of person-in-situation creativity.
The motivational lens model offers an integrative theoretical account of person-in-situation interactions through a parsimonious set of considerations: (a) whether the trait of interest is associated with intrinsic motivation for (activities conducive to) creativity or with extrinsic motivation (i.e., which can be directed toward creativity in response to extrinsic cues), (b) the extent to which the situation variable of interest reflects opportunities for creativity or expectations for creativity, and (c) whether the situation variable is linearly or curvilinearly related to opportunities or expectations. We discuss how the motivational lens model informs future creativity research and potentially person-in-situation research beyond the creativity domain.

参考文献:van Knippenberg, D., & Hirst, G. (2020). A Motivational Lens Model of Person X Situation Interactions in Employee Creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(10), 1129-1144. doi:10.1037/apl0000486







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