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区分工作中的发声和沉默:与知觉影响、心理安全和倦怠的独特关系 ...

已有 262 次阅读2021-4-5 17:24 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


学者们持续争论发声和沉默是否是对立或不同的构念。这种模糊性阻碍了关于员工在工作中的发声和沉默上有意义的理论进步。作者基于行为激活和行为抑制系统视角,为发声和沉默的独立性提供了一个概念框架,并解释了两个关键的前因变量,即知觉影响和心理安全,是如何分别与发声和沉默密切相关的。作者通过确定发声和沉默对员工工作倦怠的不同影响,对发声和沉默做了进一步区分。在研究1的元分析中,作者证明了发声和沉默是独立的(Mρ = −.15),并且知觉影响(心理安全)与发声(沉默)的关系比与沉默(发声)的关系更密切。研究还发现,与发声相比,沉默与倦怠的关联性更强。在研究2中,作者在6个月的区间权变面板研究中,建设性地复制了这些发现。综上所述,这篇文章有助于将关于发声和沉默是否是不同构念的讨论转移到它们如何不同以及为什么这些不同很重要的讨论上来。

Scholars continue to debate whether voice and silence are opposites or distinct constructs. This ambiguity has prevented meaningful theoretical advancements about employees’ voice and silence at work. We draw on the behavioral activation and behavioral inhibition systems perspective to provide a conceptual framework for the independence of voice and silence and explicate how two key antecedents—perceived impact and psychological safety—more strongly relate to voice and silence, respectively. We further differentiate voice and silence by identifying their distinct effects on employee burnout. In Study 1, a meta-analysis, we demonstrate that voice and silence are independent (Mρ = −.15) and that perceived impact (psychological safety) relates more strongly to voice (silence) than to silence (voice). We also find that silence has a significantly stronger association with burnout compared to voice. In Study 2, we constructively replicate these findings in an interval-contingent panel study across six months. Taken together, this article helps shift the conversation of whether voice and silence are distinct constructs to how they differ and why such differences matter.

【全文见】Sherf, E. N., Parke, M. R., & Isaakyan, S. 2020. Distinguishing Voice and Silence at Work: Unique Relationships with Perceived Impact, Psychological Safety, and Burnout. Academy of Management Journal, 64(1): 114-148. DOI: 10.5465/amj.2018.1428







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