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快乐的情感文化如何培养团队复原力?社会认知的角度(摘要) ...

已有 310 次阅读2021-4-12 14:40 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


工作任务的复杂性使得许多组织围绕团队开展工作,因而团队必须出发展应对和适应各种不利情况的能力。然而,我们对促进和抑制团队复原力发展的因素(即团队复原力的变化)的认识和理解还不够深入。基于扩展-建构理论(broaden-and-build theory)的建构假设,我们探讨了团队复原力变化的动态的情感、社会和认知成分。我们认为,团队快乐情感文化的变化通过社会机制和认知机制(即相互性的变化和反映性的变化)来预测团队复原力的变化。一项涉及91个团队(包括1291个个体反应)的两阶段研究结果表明,相互性的变化和反映性的变化在快乐情感文化的变化与团队弹性能力变化之间的正向关系中起中介作用。该研究从理论上划分了引起团队复原力在团队内部出现差异性的情感、社会和认知集体的潜在机制,从而推进了关于团队复原力的研究。

The complex nature of work tasks leads many organizations to organize work around teams, which must develop the capacity to cope with and adapt to a variety of adverse situations. However, our knowledge and understanding of what enables and inhibits the development of resilient teams, that is, change in teams' resilience capacity, have yet to be fully developed. Drawing on the build hypothesis of broaden-and-build theory, we explore the dynamic emotional, social, and cognitive elements that underlie change in team resilience capacity. We posit that a change in a team's emotional culture of joy predicts change in team resilience capacity through both social and cognitive mechanisms (i.e., change in mutuality and change in reflexivity). The results from a two-wave study involving 91 teams (comprising 1291 individual responses) indicate that the positive relationship between change in the emotional culture of joy and change in team resilience capacity is mediated by change in mutuality and change in reflexivity. This research advances the emerging literature on team resilience by theoretically delineating the underlying affective, social, and cognitive collective mechanisms that lead to within-team variability in team resilience capacity.

论文原文:Hartmann, S., Weiss, M., Hoegl, M., & Carmeli, A. (2021). How does an emotional culture of joy cultivate team resilience? A sociocognitive perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 313–331. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2496







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