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社交媒体上留下的语言暴露了一段感情分手的情感和认知代价 ...

已有 542 次阅读2021-6-22 13:22 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信



Language left behind on social media exposesthe emotional and cognitive costs of a romantic breakup


【摘要】使用存档的社交媒体数据,对经历分手的人的语言签名进行了分析研究。对6,803名Reddit用户发布的关于分手的 1,027,541 个帖子进行了文本分析。这些帖子包括用户在 2 年内的Reddit历史记录,围绕他们在生活各个领域的分手,而不仅仅是与他们的关系有关的帖子。即将分手的语言标记在事件发生前3个月很明显,在分手的那一周达到峰值,并在6个月后回到基线。迹象包括“I”词汇、“we”词汇和认知处理词汇(分别为抑郁、集体注意力和意义制定过程的特征)增加和分析思维下降(表明更多的个人和非正式语言)。即使人们在与分手和其他关系主题无关的群组中发帖,这种模式仍然存在。与短期发帖人相比,那些长时间发布分手信息的人在分手一年后的适应能力较差。为经历离婚(n = 5,144;1,109,867 个帖子)或其他类型剧变(n = 51,357;11,081,882 个帖子)的用户复制了分手时看到的语言模式。使用语言作为镜头讨论情绪剧变的认知基础。



[Abstract] Using archived social media data, the language signatures of people going through breakups were mapped. Text analyses were conducted on 1,027,541 posts from 6,803 Redditusers who had posted about their breakups. The posts include users’ Reddithistory in the 2 years surrounding their breakups across the various domains of their life, not just posts pertaining to their relationship. Language markers of an impending breakup were evident 3 months before the event, peaking on the week of the breakup and returning to baseline 6 months later. Signs included an increase in I-words, we-words, and cognitive processing words (characteristic of depression, collective focus, and the meaning-making process, respectively) and drops in analytic thinking (indicating more personal and informal language). The patterns held even when people were posting to groups unrelated to breakups and other relationship topics. People who posted about their breakup for longer time periods were less well-adjusted a year after their breakup compared to short-term posters. The language patterns seen for breakups replicated for users going through divorce (n = 5,144;1,109,867 posts) or other types of upheavals (n = 51,357;11,081,882 posts). The cognitive underpinnings of emotional upheavals are discussed using language as a lens.


[Key words] Breakups; divorce; romantic relationships; language; LIWC

论文原文:Seraj, S. , Blackburn, K. G. , & Pennebaker, J. W. . (2021). Language left behind on social media exposes the emotional and cognitive costs of a romantic breakup. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(7), doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2017154118







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