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已有 2331 次阅读2021-6-27 17:21 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信


 Understanding and Challenging Stigma Associated with Sexual Interest in Children: A Systematic Review

 【摘要】恋童症者的污名化以前被认为是污名研究的“盲点”。本系统综述更新并扩展了JahnkeHoyer 2013年的综述,以了解 (1) 导致对儿童有性兴趣者的污名化的因素,(2) 污名化经历,以及 (3) 如何挑战和减少污名化。主题综合用于分析来自英国、美国、荷兰、德国、加拿大、挪威、澳大利亚和新西兰的 35 项研究的数据。总体主题是 (1) 误解和刻板印象,(2) 负面情感反应,(3) 歧视,(4) 精神困扰,(5) 内化公众耻辱感,(6) 披露的负面影响,以及 (7 8) 信息性和人性化的干预。调查结果强调了对儿童有性兴趣的人以及在他们之间普遍存在的耻辱感,以及现有研究的方法学局限性。讨论了未来研究的议程,强调了如何挑战污名。


[Abstract] The stigmatization of people with pedophilia was previously identified as a “blind spot” in stigma research. This systematic review updates and expands on Jahnke and Hoyer’s 2013 review to understand (1) factors contributing to stigma toward people with sexual interest in children, (2) experiences of stigma, and (3) how stigma can be challenged and reduced. Thematic synthesis was used to analyze data from 35 studies from the United Kingdom, United States, The Netherlands, Germany, Canada, Norway, Australia, and New Zealand. Overarching themes were (1) misperceptions and stereotypes, (2) negative affective responses, (3) discrimination, (4) mental distress, (5) internalized public stigma, (6) negative effects of disclosure, and (7 and 8) informative and humanizing interventions. Findings highlighted substantial prevalence of stigma toward and amongst people with sexual interest in children, and methodological limitations of extant research. An agenda for future research is discussed, emphasizing how stigma can be challenged.

[Key words] Stigma; sexual interest in children; minor attraction; systematic review

论文原文Amy Lawrence & Gwenda M. Willis (2021). Understanding and Challenging Stigma Associated with Sexual Interest in Children: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Sexual Health, 33 (2): 144-162. https://doi.org/10.1080/19317611.2020.1865498







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