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已有 1019 次阅读2021-7-4 11:02 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:健康养生分享到微信


 The role of proactive personality in combating COVID-19


COVID-19的爆发扰乱了正常的工作生活秩序,带来了巨大的不确定性和压力,特别是对于像医生和护士这样的一线医护人员。他们需要面对激增的工作和许多与新冠病毒相关的新任务,冒着巨大的健康风险。人们可以被动地回应这种干扰,也可以选择在危机期间积极地改造自己工作环境。我们设计了一个多轮次、多来源的研究,考察积极导向在COVID-19期间是否是一线医护人员的关键资源。基于主动性和资源保护理论,我们收集了病毒第一轮爆发期间,中国武汉市周边封锁区的一家承担抗击COVID-19任务的医院中408名医生和护士的数据。我们的目的是研究在抗击COVID-19时,个人代理权如何帮助医护人员增强个人表现和提升幸福感。积极主动的人格作为一种处置性资源(Dispositional resource)与较高水平的感知优势使用(Perceivedstrengths use)有关,后者是一种与工作相关的激励性资源(Motivational resource)。这种影响被常规干扰和感知组织支持共同调节。通过感知优势使用,积极主动人格与个体表现及韧性(Resilience)、兴旺(Thriving)两个幸福感间接相关。在COVID-19的第一轮爆发中,高频次的存在病毒暴露风险的行为放大了感知优势使用对个人绩效的影响。


The global COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted personal and work lives and created great uncertainty and stress, especially for frontline health care professionals like doctors and nurses who risk personal health while facing increased workloads and new COVID-related tasks. People can passively respond to this disruption, or they can be more active and choose to shape the conditions surrounding their work during the crisis. We designed a multi wave, multisource study examining whether a proactive orientation is a key resource for frontline health care professionalism the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing from proactive and conservation of resources theories, we studied a sample of 408 doctors and nurses at a COVID-19 hospital in the locked-down area surrounding Wuhan City, China during the first wave of the virus. Our aim is to examine how personal agency contributes to healthcare professionals’ performance and well-being when combating COVID-19. Proactive personality as a dispositional resource was associated with higher levels of perceived strengths use, a job-related motivational resource. This effect was jointly moderated by routine disruption and perceived organizational support. Proactive personality was indirectly associated with performance and two indicators of well-being (resilience and thriving) through perceived strengths use. More frequent physical exposure to the virus magnified the effects of perceived strengths use on an archival indicator of performance during the first wave of the pandemic.


    论文原文:Yi-Feng Chen, Nancy, Crant, J. Michael, Wang, Nan, Kou, Yu, Qin, Yuhong, Yu, Junhua, Sun, Rongju. (2021). When there is a will there is a way: The role of proactive personality in combating COVID-19. Journal of Applied Psychology,106(2): 199-213. doi: 10.1037/apl0000865







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