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已有 1159 次阅读2021-7-7 14:40 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:健康养生分享到微信




Socioeconomic Status and Well-Being During COVID-19: A Resource-Based Examination


【摘要】作者评估了美国个人在 COVID-19 大流行之前到期间心理健康(即抑郁症状和生活满意度)的水平和人内变化,总体而言和社会经济地位 (SES)。数据来自兰德公司在全国具有代表性的美国生活小组对1,143名成年人进行的两项调查,第一次调查是在20194月至6月之间进行,第二次调查是在20204月美国大流行的最初高峰期。大流行高于大流行前的人口标准。抑郁症状从COVID-19之前到期间有所增加,生活满意度下降。与受教育程度较低的人相比,受过高等教育的人在COVID-19之前和期间经历了更多的抑郁症状增加和生活满意度的更大下降。补充分析表明,收入与幸福感的变化呈曲线关系,因此与收入较低的个人相比,收入最高的个人在COVID-19期间的生活满意度下降幅度更大。我们利用资源保护理论和基本社会原因理论来研究SES与幸福感之间关系的四个关键机制(感知财务资源、感知控制、人际资源和COVID-19相关知识/新闻消费)在COVID-19期间。这些资源从整体上解释了样本幸福感的变化,但并未深入了解为什么受过高等教育的人的幸福感从COVID-19之前到期间大幅下降。


[Abstract] The authors assess levels and within-person changes in psychological well-being (i.e., depressive symptoms and life satisfaction) from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic for individuals in the United States, in general and by socioeconomic status (SES). The data is from 2 surveys of 1,143 adults from RAND Corporation’s nationally representative American Life Panel, the first administered between April–June, 2019 and the second during the initial peak of the pandemic in the United States in April, 2020. Depressive symptoms during the pandemic were higher than population norms before the pandemic. Depressive symptoms increased from before to during COVID-19 and life satisfaction decreased. Individuals with higher education experienced a greater increase in depressive symptoms and a greater decrease in life satisfaction from before to during COVID-19 in comparison to those with lower education. Supplemental analysis illustrates that income had a curvilinear relationship with changes in well-being, such that individuals at the highest levels of income experienced a greater decrease in life satisfaction from before to during COVID-19 than individuals with lower levels of income. We draw on conservation of resources theory and the theory of fundamental social causes to examine four key mechanisms (perceived financial resources, perceived control, interpersonal resources, and COVID-19-related knowledge/news consumption) underlying the relationship between SES and well-being during COVID-19. These resources explained changes in well-being for the sample as a whole but did not provide insight into why individuals of higher education experienced a greater decline in well-being from before to during COVID-19.

论文原文Wanberg, C. R., Csillag, B., Douglass, R. P., Zhou, L., & Pollard, M. S. (2020). Socioeconomic status and well-being during COVID-19: A resource-based examination. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1382-1396. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/apl0000831







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