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热度 2已有 996 次阅读2021-7-19 20:05 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:健康养生分享到微信


Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Job Search Behavior: An Event Transition Perspective


【摘要】 本研究考察了在 COVID-19 大流行开始时、事件发生后的几周内求职行为如何发生变化,以及不同工作所需的身体接触是否缓和了这些趋势。基于事件系统理论,我们认为大流行的爆发创造了一个强烈的事件,因为它非常新颖、具有破坏性和批判性。我们通过检查14个组织的16周工作申请来测试这一点,这些组织在工作是需要员工在家工作还是面对面工作方面有所不同。我们使用 Bliese、Adler 和Flynn (2017) 的转换框架和不连续的随机系数增长曲线模型来测试大流行在事件发生期间和发生后几周内对求职行为的影响。重要的是,我们包括了一个9周的发病前基线期,以提供更严格的变化测试。结果表明,大流行的开始导致求职行为(工作申请)立即增加,这种影响一直持续到发病后期。工作类型缓和了这些趋势,因此与面对面工作相比,在家工作(遵循负加速曲线)的开始和后期申请要大得多。这些发现通过引入事件系统理论和转换框架来推动求职文献的发展,以更好地理解事件如何以及为什么随着时间的推移对求职行为产生独特的影响。



[Abstract] This study examines how job search behavior changed at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the weeks following the event's onset, and if the physical contact required by different jobs moderated these trends. Based on event system theory, we argue that the onset of the pandemic created a strong event because it was highly novel, disruptive, and critical. We test this by examining 16 weeks of job applications for 14 organizations that differ in terms of whether the job's require employees to work from home or face-to-face. We use Bliese, Adler, and Flynn's (2017) transition framework and discontinuous random coefficient growth curve modeling to test the pandemic’s effect on job search behavior both during the event onset and then the weeks following the onset. Importantly, we included 9-week prepones baseline period to provide more rigorous tests of change. Results show that the onset of the pandemic created an immediate increase in job search behavior (job applications), and this effect endured into the postonset period. Job type moderated these trends, such that the onset and postonset applications were substantially greater for work-from-home jobs (which followed a negatively accelerated curve) compared to face-to-face jobs. These findings advance the job search literature by introducing event system theory and transition frameworks to better understand how and why events uniquely influence job search behavior over time.


[Keywords] job search, recruitment, selection, longitudinal

论文原文McFarland, L. A. (2020).Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Job Search Behavior: An Event Transition Perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(11): 1207-1217. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000782








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