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谈论新冠病毒病与团队文化松紧度正相关:对团队越轨行为和创造力的影响 ...

已有 493 次阅读2021-8-26 21:51 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:健康养生分享到微信



Talking about COVID-19 is positively associated with team cultural tightness: Implications for team deviance and creativity



<Journal of Applied Psychology, JAP>, 2021,106(4)


【摘要】COVID-19大流行极大地影响了每个人的工作和日常生活,许多员工定期与他们的同事谈论这种广泛流行的流行病。在这项研究中,我们研究了在团队层面谈论 COVID-19等危机如何影响团队动态和行为。借鉴文化紧密-松散理论,我们建议在团队成员之间谈论COVID-19危机与团队文化紧密正相关,这反过来又通过减少团队偏差来使团队受益,但通过降低团队创造力来损害团队。此外,我们建议团队虚拟化缓和和削弱这些间接影响,因为关于COVID-19的面对面交流在影响团队文化紧密度方面比虚拟交流更有效。大流行期间多源三波现场研究的结果为这些假设提供了实质性支持。我们讨论了这些发现和未来研究方向的理论和实践意义。



[Abstract] The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected everyone’s work and daily life, and many employees are talking with their coworkers about this widespread pandemic on are gular basis. In this research, we examine how talking about crises such asCOVID-19 at the team level affects team dynamics and behaviors. Drawing upon cultural tightness–looseness theory, we propose that talking about the COVID-19crisis among team members is positively associated with team cultural tightness, which in turn benefits teams by decreasing team deviance but hurt steams by decreasing team creativity. Furthermore, we suggest that team virtuality moderates and weakens these indirect effects because face-to-face communication about COVID-19 is more powerful in influencing team cultural tightness than virtual communication. Results from a multisource, three-wavefield study during the pandemic lend substantial support to these hypotheses. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of these findings and directions for future research.

[Key words]deviance; creativity; COVID-19 pandemic; crisis talk; cultural tightness


本文是针对《谈论新冠病毒病与团队文化松紧度正相关:对团队越轨行为和创造力的影响(Talking about COVID-19 is positively associated with team cultural tightness: Implications for team deviance and creativity)》的一篇论文解析,该论文于2021年4月16日发表于美国《应用心理学杂志(Journal of Applied Psychology, JAP)》第106卷第4期上。这项研究由来自中国中山大学和新加坡国立大学的交叉学科团队完成,第一作者是中山大学管理学院秦昕教授,通讯作者是中山大学管理学院陈晨副研究员,该研究合作者还包括新加坡国立大学商学院任启智(Kai Chi Yam)副教授、中山大学管理学院李琬璐博士后和董小炜研究生。

论文原文:Qin, X., Yam, K. C., Chen, C., Li, W., & Dong, X. (2021). Talking about COVID-19 is positively associated with team cultural tightness: Implications for team deviance and creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106 (4): 530-541. 










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