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已有 841 次阅读2021-10-21 20:57 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信





<National Bureau of Economic Research>, July 2021




[Abstract] The pandemic has revived the longstanding debate about the effect of online versus face-to-face instruction on student achievement. The goal of this paper is to provide new evidence on the impact of online versus face-to-face instruction on student learning outcomes, using rich, transcript-level longitudinal data from a public university. We pay particular attention to eliminating selection bias by incorporating student and instructor fixed effects into the empirical analysis as well as to separate out the impact of online versus in-person education from COVID-19-related confounding factors. Our results indicate that students in face-to-face courses perform better than their online counterparts with respect to their grades, the propensity to withdraw from the course, and the likelihood of receiving a passing grade. However, our investigation also reveals that instructor-specific factors, such as leniencyin grading or actions towards preventing violations of academic integrity, playa significant role in determining the studied relationship. Without accounting for these instructor-specific factors, the relationship is severely biased, causing one to mistakenly conclude that online instruction is better for student learning than face-to-face instruction. Our analysis further documents a rise in grades associated with COVID-19-triggered changes to student assessment policies embraced by universities as well as instructors adopting amore flexible approach to grading. While these developments led to an increase in grades for all students overall, those who began Spring 2020 in face-to-face courses appear to have benefitted more generously from them. Finally, an auxiliary analysis shows that living in neighborhoods with better broadband technology is associated with a larger increase in grades among students who had to switch from in-person to online instruction during COVID-19. This finding supports the argument that unequal access to technology might have caused learning disparities to get deepened during the pandemic.


这篇中文解析是针对论文《在线教育真的有效吗?(Is Online Education Working?)的解析。该论文于2021年7月发表于美国《国家经济发展署》公报(NBER Working Paper)上。该研究作者包括美国奥本大学DuhaTore Altindag, 南密西西比大学ElifS. Filiz美利坚大学ErdalTekin



论文原文:Altindag, D. T. ,Filiz, E. S. , & Tekin, E. . (2021). Is Online Education Working? NBER Working Paper. No. w29113. http://www.nber.org/papers/w29113.








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