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已有 612 次阅读2022-1-13 18:15 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信



Exploring the experiences and responses of LGBTQ+ adolescents to school-based sexuality education



<The Psychology in the Schools>, 2022, 59 (1)


【摘要】本研究的目的是描述女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋、跨性别、质疑、双性人、双灵(two spirit)[1]和酷儿(LGBTQ+) 青年接受学校性教育 (SBSE) 的经历,并记录LGBTQ+ 青年的策略正在用于解决他们在SBSE之外不断变化和特定的性健康需求。研究人员对来自中西部城市和郊区的17名青少年(14-18岁)进行了焦点小组讨论。这项研究的结果表明,LGBTQ+ 青年发现 SBSE 具有异性恋、顺性别重点,并且主要侧重于怀孕和疾病预防,这有助于 LGBTQ+ 青年遭受排斥。针对不满足学生需求的SBSE,参与者报告在 SBSE 之外寻求性健康信息。其他来源包括家人和其他值得信赖的成年人、互联网和社区资源中心。学生报告了这些资源的不同使用率和可信度。这项研究的结果表明,学校工作人员应考虑替代传统的SBSE模型以满足LGBTQ+青年的需求,并且SBSE的一个重要部分应包括互联网安全指南。



[Abstract] The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, two spirit, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth with school-based sexuality education (SBSE), as well as to document strategies LGBTQ+ youth are using to address their evolving and specific sexual health needs outside of SBSE. Researchers conducted focus groups with 17 adolescents(ages 14–18) from urban and suburban Midwestern cities. Results of this study indicate LGBTQ+ youth find SBSE to be heteronormative, cisgender focused, and primarily focused on pregnancy and disease prevention, which contributes to LGBTQ+ youth experiences of exclusion. In response to SBSE that did not meet student needs, participants reported seeking sexual health information outside of SBSE. Other sources included family and other trusted adults, the Internet, and community resource centers. Students reported variable rates of use and trustworthiness across these resources. Results of this study suggest that school personnel should consider alternatives to traditional SBSE models to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ youth, and that an important part of SBSE should include guidelines for Internet safety.

[Key words] Focus groups, LGBTQ, School-based, Sexuality education


[1] 译者注:双灵”(two spirit),即为“双重灵魂”,这一概念,在欧洲殖民者到来前,就已存在于北美原住民部落之中。跨越性别,逾越性别(cross-gender),或混合性别(mixed-gender)的社会角色是原住民社会结构中的一部分。“双灵”在原住民文化中,实质上是一种神圣的,精神的,灵魂的,亦或是仪式文化中的第三或第四性别,其社会角色受到部落长老及族人的认可与尊敬。1990年召开的北美原住民男女同性恋大会,正式定义“双灵(two-spirit)”一词为现代伞状词汇用以描述原住民部落中的“男同性恋,女同性恋,双性恋,跨性别及其他性少数的性别角色”。


论文原文:Shereen C. Naser, Katherine Clonan-Roy, Kimberly A. Fuller, Elizabeth A. Goncy, Nicole Wolf (2022).Exploring the experiences and responses of LGBTQ + adolescents to school-based sexuality education. Psychology in the Schools, 59 (1) : 34-50. https://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22471







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