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已有 468 次阅读2022-1-25 15:55 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信



Teacher Mindsets Help Explain Where a Growth-Mindset Intervention Does and Doesn’t Work



<Psychological Science> 33 (1)


【摘要】成长心态干预教导人们相信智力是可以发展的。干预在哪里效果最好?先前的研究使用来自全国学习心态研究 (NSLM) 的数据检查了学校级别的主持人,该研究在高中第一年提供了短期的成长心态干预。在本研究中,我们使用来自NSLM的数据来检验教师心态的调节作用并回答一个新问题:学生能否在几乎任何课堂文化中独立实施他们的成长心态,或者学生的成长心态必须得到教师自身成长的支持心态(即心态加支持背景假设)?目前的分析(9,167名学生记录与223名数学教师相匹配)支持后一种假设。这一结果经得起潜在的混淆教师因素和保守的贝叶斯分析。因此,维持成长心态的影响可能需要背景支持,使所提供的信念能够生根发芽。

【关键词】 明智的干预、成长心态、动机、青春期、可供性、内隐理论、开放数据、开放材料、预注册


[Abstract]A growth-mindset intervention teaches the belief that intellectual abilities can be developed. Where does the intervention work best? Prior research examined school-level moderators using data from the National Study of Learning Mindsets (NSLM), which delivered a short growth-mindset intervention during the first year of high school. In the present research, we used data from the NSLM to examine moderation by teachers’ mindsets and answer a new question: Can students independently implement their growth mindsets in virtually any classroom culture, or must students’ growth mindsets be supported by their teacher’s own growth mindsets (i.e., the mindset-plus-supportive-context hypothesis)? The present analysis (9,167 student records matched with 223 math teachers) supported the latter hypothesis. This result stood up to potentially confounding teacher factors and to a conservative Bayesian analysis. Thus, sustaining growth-mindset effects may require contextual supports that allow the proffered beliefs to take root and flourish.


[Keywords] wise interventions, growth mindset, motivation, adolescence, affordances, implicit theories, open data, open materials, preregistered


论文原文:DavidS. Yeager, Jamie M. Carroll, Jenny Buontempo, Andrei Cimpian, Spencer Woody, Robert Crosnoe, Chandra Muller, Jared Murray, Pratik M hatre, Nicole Kersting, Christopher Hulleman, Molly Kudym, Mary Murphy, Angela Lee Duckworth, Gregory M. Walton, Carol S. Dweck (2022). Teacher Mindsets Help Explain Where a Growth-Mindset Intervention Does and Doesn’t Work. Psychological Science.33 (1): 18-32.








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