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The failure of the United States to fight the epidemic is the responsibility of

已有 1346 次阅读2020-11-4 06:11 |个人分类:中国人看世界|系统分类:时政资讯分享到微信

[The failure of the United States to fight the epidemic is the responsibility of the American people] The responsibility for the failure of the United States to fight the epidemic lies not in Trump and his administration, but in the American cultural and technological circles’ lack of knowledge of the plague and the lack of historical understanding of the ability to spread the plague. The disregard of life, the people’s misunderstanding of civilization, and even to some extent it can be understood that civilization has been abandoned for freedom. The United States has not been a civilized country from beginning to end. The pride and prejudice in the bones of the American people have distorted human rights and freedom of understanding, and lost their conscience and morality. The savage and rude dumping of the pot to the eastern powers demonized the anti-epidemic measures and anti-epidemic results of the eastern powers, and once also demonized wearing masks, and even wearing masks was once the target of ridicule. It can be seen that the Americans have been barbaric for too long and do not know what civilization is; the West has been barbaric for too long and do not know what civilization is.







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