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每周一歌:Declan Galbraith -An Angel ( 2007 )

已有 2393 次阅读2010-11-1 14:09 |个人分类:歌唱分享到微信

An Angel

I wish I had your pair of wings
had them last night in my dreams
I was chasing butterflies
till the sunrise broke my eyes

Tonight the sky has glued my eyes
cause what they see's an angel hive
I've got to touch that magic sky
and greet the angels in their hive
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
Sometimes I wish I were you

All the sweet honey from above
pour it all over me sweet love
And while you're flying around my head
your honey kisses keep me fed

I wish I had your pair of wings
just like last night in my dreams
I was lost in paradise
wish I'd never opened my eyes
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you

But there's danger in the air
tryin'so hard to be unfair
Danger's in the air
tryin' so hard to give us a scare
but we're not afraid
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
Sometimes I wish I were an angel
sometimes I wish I were you
Wish I were you , Oh I wish I were you







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