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2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO

已有 85 次阅读2025-1-17 02:05 | lonsdor-k518-pro 分享到微信

This post will show you how to program a smart key for the 2019 Volvo S90 with the Lonsdor K518 PRO.

Select [IMMO] >> [Volvo] >> [S90] >> [2017-2021] >> [Program smart key].
There are two ways to add a new key, now choose the manually enter a 10-digit CEM security code.
Click "OK".
Now we enter the 10-digit security code. (This part of the security code can be calculated by a third party.)
OK, the 10-digit security code is entered.
Please confirm whether the input is correct and click OK.

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-1

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-2

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-3

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-4

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-5

We need to turn on the ignition to prevent programming failure after the vehicle is off.
Click OK.
The count of the programmed key is 1.
Please insert the new key into the induction coil.
Now place the new key in the position of the induction coil and click OK.
OK, the count of programmed keys is 2, and if the program is successful, whether to program the next key?
We just need to program one key, so click cancel.
The program is complete, exit.

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-6

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-7

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-8

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-9

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-10

After exiting, we test the remote control.
The remote control of the two keys is working.
Now let's see if it starts properly.
Hit the brake and push the button.
Ok, the startup was successful.
This car is a hybrid car, so there is no engine sound when you step on the accelerator.
We can rotate the steering wheel, the steering wheel can rotate, which means it's starting properly.
Using K518PRO to program the new key for the 2019 Volvo S90 with the third-party inquiry password is successful.

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-11

2019 Volvo S90 Key Programming with Lonsdor K518 PRO_图1-12

For more details, you can refer to the video here:








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