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Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 36: JLR 3rd Gen 8HP Gearbox Clone

已有 70 次阅读2025-1-21 02:55 分享到微信

This is a tutorial on how to do JLR 3rd Generation 8HP Gearbox Clone with Yanhua Mini ACDP-2 + Module 36 on bench.

Power on the Mini ACDP-2.

Mini ACDP>> JLR >> Gearbox Clone >> 8HP_GEN3(ZF TC275)
Connect ACDP to the device properly according to the diagram.

Click "Identify" after a successful connection.
Please use the ACDP standard power adapter(voltage+ 12V, current >= 2.5A)
Please connect ACDP with the gearbox.
Verify system info, click OK.
Identify chip info finish.

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 36: JLR 3rd Gen 8HP Gearbox Clone_图1-1

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 36: JLR 3rd Gen 8HP Gearbox Clone_图1-2

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 36: JLR 3rd Gen 8HP Gearbox Clone_图1-3

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 36: JLR 3rd Gen 8HP Gearbox Clone_图1-4

Full backup data >> OK >> Continue >> Continue
Reading chip data, please wait...
Please save chip data.
The backup file succeeded.
*Pay attention to the path, date, time, and file name of the file backup.
Backup chip data finish.

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 36: JLR 3rd Gen 8HP Gearbox Clone_图1-5

Connect another JLR 3rd generation 8HP gearbox.
Prepare to write the original vehicle data.

Full write data >> OK >> OK
Verify system info, click Continue.
Please select chip data: select the files ending with "Full".

Ready to write chip data, please don't cut the power nor pull out the device during the programming!

Make sure to have backed-up data, there is a risk in writing chip data!
Click Continue.
Writing chip data, please wait...
Writing chip data finish.

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 36: JLR 3rd Gen 8HP Gearbox Clone_图1-6

Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 36: JLR 3rd Gen 8HP Gearbox Clone_图1-7








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