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已有 538 次阅读2021-8-16 14:11 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信


 Singles’ sexual satisfaction is associated with more satisfaction with singlehood and less interest in marriage



Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(5)


【摘要】尽管单身家庭在全球范围内有所增加,但很少有研究探讨哪些因素有助于过上令人满意的单身生活。我们使用了三组数据 (N=3,890) 来研究对性生活和社会方面的满意度与单身人士对婚姻和单身的看法之间的关系。我们的结果表明,更高的性满意度与更少的结婚欲望(研究1)、未婚者可以在不结婚的情况下幸福的更强烈信念(研究2)以及对单身的更高满意度和对伴侣的更少渴望(研究3)相关。研究1和3中的所有影响仍然显着控制生活满意度和性频率。令人满意的友谊与单身满意度相关的变量相关,但与对伴侣的渴望相关的变量无关,而对家庭满意度没有影响。这项研究强调了维持令人满意的性生活对人们对单身的满意度的潜在重要性。

【关键词】亲密;关系状态;性欲; 单身


[Abstract] Despite the worldwide increase in single-person households, little research has examined what factors contribute to a satisfying single life. We used three data sets (N = 3,890) to examine how satisfaction with sexual and social aspects of life are linked with single people's perceptions of marriage and singlehood. Our results suggest that higher sexual satisfaction is associated with less desire to marry (Study 1), stronger beliefs that unmarried people can be happy without marriage (Study 2), and greater satisfaction with singlehood and less desire for a partner (Study 3). All effects in Studies 1 and 3remained significant controlling for life satisfaction and sexual frequency. Satisfying friendships were associated with variables related to satisfaction with singlehood but not variables related to desire for a partner, whereas no effect was found for satisfaction with family. This study highlights the potential importance of maintaining a satisfying sex life in people's satisfaction with singlehood.

[Keywords] intimacy; relationship status; sexuality; singlehood

论文原文:Park, Y., Impett, E. A., & MacDonal, G. (2021). Singles’ sexual satisfaction is associated with more satisfaction with singlehood and less interest in marriage. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 47(5):741-752. doi:10.1177/0146167220942361.







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