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热度 1已有 694 次阅读2021-9-16 21:39 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信



Stability and Change in Personality Traits and Major Life Goals from College to Midlife



<Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin>, 2021: 47(5)


【摘要】人格特质与人生目标等动机单位之间的关联,一直是人格科学家的兴趣所在。然而,很少有研究调查过青年期以外的特征与生活目标之间的纵向关联。在本研究 (N = 251) 中,我们检查了大五人格和主要生活目标(审美、经济、家庭/关系、享乐主义、政治、宗教、社会)的等级顺序稳定性和平均水平变化从大学(18岁)到中年(40岁),以及他们的共同发展。研究结果表明,人格特质和主要人生目标在20年中都处于中度至高度稳定状态。平均而言,随着时间的推移,大五人格的平均水平有所上升,而人生目标的平均水平有所下降。共同发展的模式表明人们制定与他们的个性特征一致的目标,相反,投资于与目标相关的环境与特征改变有关。我们根据社会投资理论和发展规制文献讨论结果。



[Abstract] The association between personality traits and motivational units, such as lifegoals, has been a long-standing interest of personality scientists. However, little research has investigated the longitudinal associations between traits and life goals beyond young adulthood. In the present study (N = 251), we examined the rank-order stability of, and mean-level changes in, the Big Five and major life goals (Aesthetic, Economic, Family/Relationship, Hedonistic, Political, Religious, Social) from college (age 18) to midlife (age 40), as well as their co-development. Findings showed that personality traits and major life goals were both moderately-to-highly stable over 20 years. On average, there were mean-level increases in the Big Five and mean-level decreases in life goals over time. Patterns of co-development suggest people formulate goals consistent with their personality traits, and conversely, investing in goal-relevant contexts is associated with trait change. We discuss the results in light of Social Investment Theory and the developmental regulation literature.

[Key words] personality development, goals, Big Five, adulthood, self-regulation


本文的中文解析是针对论文“从大学到中年人格特征和主要人生目标的稳定与变化”(Stability and Change in Personality Traits and Major Life Goals From College to Midlife)的一篇论文解析,该论文于2021年5月发表于《人格与社会心理学公报 (Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin)》第47卷第5期。该研究作者包括美国加州大学Olivia E. Atherton, Emily Grijalva, Brent W. Roberts和Richard W. Robins等4人。


论文原文:Atherton,O. E., Grijalva, E., Roberts, B. W., & Robins, R. W. (2021). Stability and Change in Personality Traits and Major Life Goals from College to Midlife. Personality & social psychology bulletin, 47(5), 841–858. https://doi.org/10.1177/0146167220949362







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