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已有 525 次阅读2021-11-14 16:51 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信


When and how refusing to help decreases one’s influence



<The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology>, 2021, 95


【摘要】什么时候拒绝帮助请求会伤害一个人的影响力? 在五项研究中,当有人寻求帮助时,说“不”会增加他们的支配地位,但会降低他们的声望,这会对他们的实际和感知影响产生两种相反的影响。 提供帮助的成本缓和了这些影响。 总体而言,与同意帮助和控制条件相比,拒绝帮助降低了一个人在帮助花费很少的时间、精力或金钱时的影响力。 这种影响被消除或逆转,帮助成本更高。 拒绝提供低成本帮助的人被认为比那些拒绝提供高成本帮助的人更没有声望和影响力,但不管帮助的成本如何,同意提供帮助的个人都被认为是相似的。 我们的研究强调了声望和支配效应对一个人的影响的重要性,以及作为帮助后果的主要背景因素的帮助成本。


[Abstract] When does saying no to a helping request hurt a person's influence? Across five studies, when someone was asked for help, saying no had two opposing effects on their actual and perceived influence by increasing their dominance, but decreasing their prestige. The cost of providing help moderated these effects. Overall, refusing to help decreased a person's influence when helping cost little time, effort, or money, compared to both agreeing to help and a control condition. This effect was eliminated or reversed with a higher cost of helping. Individuals who refused to provide low-cost help were perceived as less prestigious and influential than those who refused to provide high-cost help, but individuals who agreed to help were perceived similarly regardless of helping's cost. Our research highlights the importance of both prestige and dominance effects for a person's influence, and the cost of helping as a major contextual factor for helping's consequences. 

[Key words] Helping; Cost; Dominance; Prestige; Influence


这篇中文解析是针对论文《何时以及如何拒绝助人会降低一个人的影响力》(When and how refusing to help decreases one’sinfluence)的一篇论文解析,该论文于2021年7月发表于《实验社会心理学杂志》(The Journal of Experimental Social Psychology)第95卷上。该研究的作者是美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校Yidan Yin (尹一丹)和 Pamela K. Smith


论文原文:Yin, Y. , & Smith, P. K. (2021). When and how refusing to help decreases one's influence. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 95. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2021.104120









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