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测量美好生活中衡量幸福和非幸福的产品​——河滨幸福量表和丰富性感的幸福量表 ...

已有 542 次阅读2022-2-21 16:24 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信




Measuring eudaimonic and non-eudaimonic goods in the pursuit of the good life

——The Riverside Eudaimonia Scale and the Rich & Sexy Well-Being Scale



<InternationalJournal of Wellbeing>2022,12 (1)


【摘要】幸福科学主要关注主观幸福感,根据生活满意度以及积极和消极情绪来定义。然而,一些关于幸福的哲学描述,如“幸福(eudaimonia)[1]”描述,强调物品的获得,如拥有深厚的社会关系和实现个人的创造潜力。我们通过根据哲学文献开发两种自我报告的幸福感测量方法来补充幸福感的心理测量方法。河滨幸福量表 (RES) 旨在衡量人们对“幸福(eudaimonia)”幸福感的看法,这些维度是关于“幸福(eudaimonia)”的哲学文献中强调的几个维度。丰富性感的幸福感量表 (RSWBS)旨在衡量人们对他们获得的其他普遍价值产品的看法,这些产品在有关幸福的文献中受到较少关注:性生活、财富、个人身体美和社交状态。在三项研究中,我们开发并验证了这些量表。

【关键词】 河滨幸福量表;丰富性感的幸福量表;福利;性生活;财富;个人身体美;社交状态


[1]译者注:"eudaimonia" 希腊语:幸福


[Abstract] Well-being science has largely focused on subjective well-being, defined in terms of life satisfaction and positive and negative emotions. However, some philosophical accounts of well-being, like “eudaimonia” accounts, emphasize the attainment of goods, such as having deep social relationships and achieving one’s creative potential. We supplement psychological measures of eudaimonia by developing two self-report measures of well-being informed by the philosophical literature. The Riverside Eudaimonia Scale (RES) was designed to measure people's perceptions of their eudaimonic well-being along several dimensions emphasized in the philosophical literature on eudaimonia. The Rich & Sexy Well-Being Scale (RSWBS) was designed to measure people’s perceptions of their attainment of other commonly valued goods that have received less attention in the literature on eudaimonic well-being: sex life, wealth, personal physical beauty, and social status. In three studies, we develop and validate these scales.

[Keywords] Riverside Eudaimonia Scale; Rich & Sexy Well-Being Scale; well-being; sex life; wealth; personal physical beauty; social status




论文原文:Seth Margolis, · Eric Schwitzgebel, · Daniel J. Ozer, · Ramona L. Martinez, Sonja Lyubomirsky (2022). Measuring eudaimonic and non-eudaimonic goods in the pursuit of the good life: The Riverside Eudaimonia Scale and the Rich & Sexy Well-Being Scale, International Journal of Wellbeing (IJW), 12 (1): 1-20. https://doi.org/10.5502/ijw.v12i1.1575







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