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已有 537 次阅读2022-5-5 16:45 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Measurement of gender and sexuality in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study



<Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience>, 53, Feb 2022


【摘要】青少年大脑认知发展 (ABCD) 研究是一项针对青少年大脑发育和健康的纵向研究,研究对象包括美国11,800多名青少年。ABCD研究包括广泛的发育领域,性别和性行为是其中两个,在儿童晚期和青春期早期有显着变化。性别认同和性健康(GISH) 工作组为ABCD研究推荐了性别和性行为的测量方法,优先考虑那些对发育敏感的测量方法,捕捉性别和性行为体验中的个体差异,并尽量减少参与者的负担。这篇论文描述了ABCD中使用的性别和性测量,并为使用这些数据的研究人员提供了指导。提供了显示这些措施的效用和纵向趋势的数据。在ABCD中包括对性别和性行为的评估允许对性别和性行为的发展轨迹进行表征,并且ABCD数据收集的广泛范围允许以交叉方式检查身份发展。



[Abstract] The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study is a longitudinal study of adolescent brain development and health that includes over 11,800 youth in the United States. The ABCD study includes broad developmental domains, and gender and sexuality are two of these with noted changes across late childhood and early adolescence. The Gender Identity and Sexual Health (GISH) workgroup recommends measures of gender and sexuality for the ABCD study, prioritizing those that are developmentally sensitive, capture individual differences in the experience of gender and sexuality, and minimize participant burden. This manuscript describes the gender and sexuality measures used in ABCD and provides guidance for researchers using these data. Data showing the utility of these measures and longitudinal trends are presented. Including assessment of gender and sexuality in ABCD allows for characterization of developmental trajectories of gender and sexuality, and the broad scope of ABCD data collection allows examination of identity development in an intersectional manner.

[Key words] ABCD, Adolescent Brain Cognitive, Development, Gender, Sexuality


论文原文:Alexandra S. Potter, Sarahjane L. Dube, Lisa C. Barrios, Susan Bookheimer, Abigail Espinoza, Sarah W. Feldstein Ewing, Edward G. Freedman, Elizabeth A. Hoffman, MashaIvanova, Hailee Jefferys, Erin C. McGlade, Susan F. Tapert, Michelle M. Johns (2022). Measurement of gender and sexuality in the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Volume 53, February 2022,










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