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已有 373 次阅读2022-6-12 18:40 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Evaluating the Big Five as an organizing framework for commonly used psychological trait scales


<Journal of Personality and Social Psychology>, 2022,122(4)

    【摘要】大五人格通常被视为人格特质的有效分类框架,然而很少有实证研究检验是否独立的人格特质评估可以定位在大五人格框架内。与此同时,人格特质构念的激增也为这一问题带来了困难。在该研究中,我们制定了评价大五人格是否为人格特质量表提供了一个综合性的框架的标准,并在三个样本(总人数为1039)中对这个问题进行了研究。研究1表明,作者确定的量表集(例如,自尊、毅力等)中,83% 的特质量表与大五人格有关,至少包括30个大五人格特征中的4个特征。研究2发现,根据被引量选择的特质量表中,71% 的特质量表通过了相同的标准。某些特质量表与大五人格有着惊人的联系,预注册的与个别大五人格特征的相关性超过了0.9。我们的结论是,大五人格的确可以作为非常多独立的心理特质量表的组织框架,许多独立的量表可以被合理地标记为大五人格中的某些特征。我们建议采用一种综合性的多元方法,在这种方法下,可靠且有效的特质量表被定位到大五人格框架之中,并且所有使用这些已经被定位的特质量表可以考虑相关的大五人格研究。通过采用这种方法,人格特质构念激增的趋势可能得到抑制,并且可以更容易地整合来自不同领域的发现。


    [Abstract] The Big Five is often represented as an effective taxonomy of psychological traits, yet little research has empirically examined whether stand-alone assessments of psychological traits can be located within the Big Five framework. Meanwhile, construct proliferation has created difficulty navigating the resulting landscape. In the present research, we developed criteria for assessing whether the Big Five provides a comprehensive organizing framework for psychological trait scales and evaluated this question across three samples (Total N = 1,039). Study 1 revealed that 83% of an author-identified collection of scales (e.g., Self-Esteem, Grit, etc.) were as related to the Big Five as at least four of 30 Big Five facets, and Study 2 found that 71% of scales selected based on citation counts passed the same criterion. Several scales had strikingly large links at the Big Five facet level, registering correlations with individual Big Five facets exceeding .9. We conclude that the Big Five can indeed serve as an organizing framework for a sizable majority of stand-alone psychological trait scales and that many of these scales could reasonably be labeled as facets of the Big Five. We suggest an integrative pluralism approach, where reliable, valid scales are located within the Big Five and pertinent Big Five research is considered in all research using trait scales readily located within the Big Five. By adopting such an approach, construct proliferation may be abated and it would become easier to integrate findings from disparate fields.

   [Key words] Big Five, stand-alone scales, construct proliferation, taxonomy

    论文原文:Bainbridge TF, Ludeke SG, Smillie LD (2022). Evaluating the Big Five as an organizing framework for commonly used psychological trait scales. J Pers Soc Psychol. 122(4):749-777.









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