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已有 446 次阅读2022-7-14 15:33 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信


The development of a social-sexual education program for adults with neurodevelopmental disabilities: starting the discussion


<Sexuality and Disability>, Published: July 6, 2022


[Abstract] People with neurodevelopmental disabilities, including intellectual disabilities and autism, want to have relationships but few are given the tools and opportunity to create those relationships in a safe and meaningful way. This strong desire to have relationships, coupled with reduced access to information, puts people with neurodevelopmental disabilities at high risk for being targets of sexual abuse and exploitation, as well as demonstrating social-sexual behavior that is unexpected or offensive to others. Research has long demonstrated that people with intellectual disabilities are sexually assaulted at much higher rates than the general population. In addition, it is common for people with intellectual disabilities and autism to miss out on employment, housing, and social opportunities due to unexpected social-sexual behaviors. To address this need, the research team developed the social-sexual education (SSE) program to teach people with neurodevelopmental disabilities how to create safe and meaningful relationships while also giving them information about sexual abuse and coercion. We recruited licensed professionals to pilot test the SSE program, and then we evaluated the tool using quantitative and qualitative methods. Our findings provide preliminary support for the SSE program. Implications and future directions are discussed.
[Key words] Neurodevelopmental disabilities, Intellectual disabilities, Autism, Relationships, Sexuality, Social-sexual education, United States

论文原文:Kathryn Pedgrift & Nicole Sparapani (2022). The development of a social-sexual education program for adults with neurodevelopmental disabilities: starting the discussion. Sexuality and Disability, Published: July 6.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s11195-022-09743-1








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