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心理与性-邓明昱博士 //www.sinovision.net/?83465 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS] Medical Psychology and Human Sexuality

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已有 433 次阅读2022-11-3 16:08 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Men’s Sexual Interest in Feminine Trans Individuals across Cultures


USA <The Journal of Sex Research> 2022, 59 (8)


[Abstract] Feminine trans individuals (i.e., individuals who were assigned male at birth but who have a feminine gender presentation and identity) are present in many cultures. In some cultures, these individuals identify as (trans) women. Many of these individuals undergo medical treatments to feminize their bodies (e.g., breast augmentation), but most do not undergo vaginoplasties and therefore have penises. In many non-Western cultures, feminine trans individuals identify as a non-binary gender (i.e., neither man, nor woman). Many of these individuals do not surgically augment their bodies. Across cultures, some men express sexual interest in feminine trans individuals. Are manifestations of sexual interest in feminine trans individuals consistent across Western and non-Western cultural settings? Our review suggests that, across cultures, most of these men are also sexually attracted to cisgender individuals. Many are sexually attracted to cisgender women or to cisgender members of both sexes. A small subset is sexually attracted to cisgender men. Men who are sexually interested in feminine trans individuals commonly report being primarily insertive during anal sex. Additionally, they tend to report that their sexual interest in these individuals is motivated by attraction to femininity or to the combination female- and male-typical characteristics.

论文原文:Lanna J. Petterson &Paul L. Vasey (2022). Men’s Sexual Interest in Feminine Trans Individuals across Cultures. The Journal of Sex Research, 59 (8): 1015-1033. 








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