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已有 485 次阅读2022-11-7 17:45 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Breaking down barriers to help-seeking: preparing first responders’ families for psychological first aid


<European Journal of Psychotraumatology> 13 (1), 2022

【摘要】背景:急救人员经常遇到操作应激源和潜在的创伤性事件,增加了他们出现心理健康问题的风险(Declercq 等,2011)。由于独特的文化复杂性,他们主要向同龄人寻求早期社会心理支持(Isaac & Buchanan2021)。然而,同伴支持和/或心理健康援助可能并不总是可用或容易获得,并且急救人员的心理健康会受到影响。目的:我们需要更便捷的危机干预途径,以确保急救人员的复原力和福祉,以便他们可以继续为公共安全服务。家庭成员和亲密朋友可能处于提供这种即时护理的理想位置。本文概述了社会支持作为一种早期干预策略的保护作用,以减轻急救人员创伤的影响,探索家庭成员和朋友在其亲人的幸福中发挥越来越多的支持作用的潜在机会。本文呼吁采取实际的教育干预措施,让家庭成员为这些关键对话做好准备。结论:我们看到了结合早期干预理论、心理教育和基于优势的性别特定积极心理学方法的潜力。进一步的研究应该调查如何更好地帮助急救人员打破支持障碍,通过加强他们现有的社会支持,并最终减少与经历创伤性压力相关的污名。

[Abstract] Background: First responders regularly encounter both operational stressors and potentially traumatic events, increasing their risk of mental health issues (Declercq et al., 2011). Due to unique cultural complexities, they turn mostly to peers for early psychosocial support (Isaac & Buchanan, 2021). However, peer support and/or mental health assistance may not always be available or easy to access and first responders’ mental health suffers. Objective: We need more accessible routes to crisis intervention to ensure first responder resilience and wellbeing, so they may continue to function in the service of public safety. Family members and close friends may be ideally placed to provide this immediate care. This article outlines the protective role of social support as an early intervention strategy to mitigate the effects of first responder trauma, exploring the potential opportunity for family members and friends to play an increasingly supportive role in their loved one’s wellbeing. This paper serves as a call to action for practical educational interventions that will prepare family members for these critical conversations. Conclusion: We see potential in combining early intervention theory, psychoeducation, and a strengths-based gender specific positive psychology approach. Further study should investigate how best to help first responders break down barriers to support, by bolstering their existing social supports and ultimately reducing the stigma associated with experiencing traumatic stress.
[Kew words] First responders, social support, early interventions, psycho education, help-seeking, stigma, psychological first aid

论文原文:Michelle O’Toole, Claire Mulhall & Walter Eppich (2022). Breaking down barriers to help-seeking: preparing first responders’ families for psychological first aid. European Journal of Psychotraumatology, 13 (1) .https://doi.org/10.1080/20008198.2022.2065430








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