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已有 472 次阅读2023-4-24 15:47 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信


Patient perspectives on working with preferences in psychotherapy: A consensual qualitative research study



<Psychotherapy Research> 2023, 33 (3)


【摘要】目的:评估和适应患者的偏好是循证实践不可或缺的。这项定性研究试图探讨心理治疗中偏爱工作的观点和经验。方法:参与者是13名英国患者,他们完成了多达24个协作综合心理治疗的24个会议。十名参与者被确定为女性,三名参与者为男性。在端点进行了访谈,并使用基于团队的,共识的定性研究方法进行了分析。结果:开发了三个上级领域:偏好本身,与心理治疗的偏好一起工作的过程以及偏好工作的影响(或缺席)。患者通常希望从心理治疗师和肯定的风格中获得领导,挑战和投入。患者将偏好的起源归因于个人历史,特征或情况;目前的心理治疗; 或过去的心理治疗情节。随着时间的流逝,一些偏好发生了变化。偏好工作被描述为对治疗关系和患者的人际世界具有积极影响。但是,不同的是,偏好的不适时也是有益的。结论:我们的发现提供了有关偏好工作能力机制的一系列新问题的深入答案,偏好工作会影响结果,可能促进偏好工作的因素以及偏好的起源,以及偏好的起源 即令人讨厌的先前建立的定量发现。讨论了对临床培训和实践的影响。



[Abstract] Objective: Assessing and accommodating patient preferences is integral to evidence-based practice. This qualitative study sought to explore patient perspectives and experiences of preference work in psychotherapy. Methods: Participants were 13 UK-based patients who had completed up to 24 sessions of a collaborative-integrative psychotherapy. Ten participants identified as female and three as male. Interviews were conducted at endpoint and analyzed using a team-based, consensual qualitative research approach. Results: Three superordinate domains were developed: Preferences Themselves, Process of Working with Preferences in Psychotherapy, and Effect of Preference Work (or its Absence). Patients typically wanted leadership, challenge, and input from their psychotherapist, and an affirming style. Patients attributed the origin of their preferences to personal history, characteristics, or circumstances; the present psychotherapy; or past episodes of psychotherapy. Some preferences changed over time. Preference work was described as having positive effects on the therapeutic relationship and patients' intrapersonal worlds; however, variantly, non-accommodation of preferences was also experienced as beneficial. Conclusion: Our findings provide in-depth answers to a range of novel questions on preference work-potential mechanisms by which preference work impacts outcomes, factors that may facilitate preference work, and origins of preferences-as well as nuancing previously-established quantitative findings. Implications for clinical training and practice are discussed.

[Key words] alliance; aptitude-treatment interaction research; consensual qualitative research; patient preferences; process research.


论文原文:Mick Cooper, Gina Di Malta, Sarah Knox, Hanne Weie Oddli & Joshua K. Swift (2023). Patient perspectives on working with preferences in psychotherapy: A consensual qualitative research study. Psychotherapy Research. 33 (3).










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