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已有 95 次阅读2025-1-2 22:15 |个人分类:性学、性健康、性教育|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Sexuality: A Five-Year Literature Review 2020–2024

<Current Sexual Health Reports> Volume 17, Issue 1, 2025

    【摘要】审查目的:现在,数百万人在日常生活中使用生成人工智能 (GenAI) 工具用于各种目的,包括性目的。这篇叙述性文献的综述首次概述了当前在性健康和行为背景下生成人工智能使用的研究范围。最新发现:该综述包括2020年至2024年的88篇同行评审的英文出版物,这些出版物报告了106项研究,并涉及人工智能在普通人群性健康和行为中的四个主要应用领域:(1)人们使用ChatGPT等人工智能工具来获取性信息和教育。我们确定了k = 14篇评估人工智能生成的性健康信息质量的出版物。他们发现准确性和完整性很高。(2)人们使用ChatGPT等人工智能工具和专门的咨询/治疗聊天机器人来解决他们的性和关系问题。我们确定了k = 16份出版物,这些出版物提供了关于治疗师和客户的观点以及AI工具的治疗能力的实证结果,结果好坏参半,但总体上是有希望的。(3)人们使用AI工具(例如伴侣和成人聊天机器人,如Replika)来体验性和浪漫的亲密关系。我们确定了该领域的k = 22份出版物,这些出版物证实了AI对话代理的性和浪漫满足感,但也指出了情感依赖等风险。(4)人们使用图像和视频生成AI工具制作具有不同性和非性动机的色情内容。我们发现了k = 36项关于AI色情内容的研究,主要涉及非自愿深度伪造色情内容的制作、使用和后果以及针对非自愿深度伪造色情内容的对策。这类内容主要针对妇女和女孩,她们的脸被换成色情材料并在未经她们同意的情况下传播。关于道德AI色情内容的研究在很大程度上是缺失的。小结:生成式人工智能工具为人类的性行为和性健康带来了新的风险和机遇。需要进行更多研究来更好地了解GenAI与性的交集,以便 a) 帮助人们驾驭他们的性GenAI体验,b) 指导性教育者、辅导员和治疗师如何处理和将人工智能工具融入他们的专业工作中,c) 建议人工智能开发人员如何设计避免伤害的工具,d) 启发政策制定者如何为了性健康而监管人工智能,e) 告知记者和知识工作者如何以循证的方式报道人工智能和性行为。
    【关键词】人工智能 (AI)、聊天机器人、ChatGPT、Deepfakes、性技术、合成色情

      [Abstract] Purpose of Review: Millions of people now use generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools in their daily lives for a variety of purposes, including sexual ones. This narrative literature review provides the first scoping overview of current research on generative AI use in the context of sexual health and behaviors. Recent Findings: The review includes 88 peer-reviewed English language publications from 2020 to 2024 that report on 106 studies and address four main areas of AI use in sexual health and behaviors among the general population: (1) People use AI tools such as ChatGPT to obtain sexual information and education. We identified k = 14 publications that evaluated the quality of AI-generated sexual health information. They found high accuracy and completeness. (2) People use AI tools such as ChatGPT and dedicated counseling/therapy chatbots to solve their sexual and relationship problems. We identified k = 16 publications providing empirical results on therapists’ and clients’ perspectives and AI tools’ therapeutic capabilities with mixed but overall promising results. (3) People use AI tools such as companion and adult chatbots (e.g., Replika) to experience sexual and romantic intimacy. We identified k = 22 publications in this area that confirm sexual and romantic gratifications of AI conversational agents, but also point to risks such as emotional dependence. (4) People use image- and video-generating AI tools to produce pornography with different sexual and non-sexual motivations. We found k = 36 studies on AI pornography that primarily address the production, uses, and consequences of – as well as the countermeasures against – non-consensual deepfake pornography. This sort of content predominantly victimizes women and girls whose faces are swapped into pornographic material and circulated without their consent. Research on ethical AI pornography is largely missing. Summary: Generative AI tools present new risks and opportunities for human sexuality and sexual health. More research is needed to better understand the intersection of GenAI and sexuality in order to a) help people navigate their sexual GenAI experiences, b) guide sex educators, counselors, and therapists on how to address and incorporate AI tools into their professional work, c) advise AI developers on how to design tools that avoid harm, d) enlighten policymakers on how to regulate AI for the sake of sexual health, and e) inform journalists and knowledge workers on how to report about AI and sexuality in an evidence-based manner.
      [Key words] Artifcial Intelligence (AI), Chatbots, ChatGPT, Deepfakes, Sexual Technology, Synthetic Pornography

      论文原文:Nicola Döring, Thuy Dung Le, Laura M. Vowels, Matthew J. Vowels & Tiffany L. Marcantonio (2025). The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Sexuality: A Five-Year Literature Review 2020–2024. Current Sexual Health Reports, Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages 1–39.








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