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已有 121 次阅读2025-1-6 18:08 |个人分类:心理学、心理健康、心理咨询|系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Stigma against mental illness and mental health: The role of social media

——《医学、心理学和公共卫生的进展》第2卷第2期, 2025年——
<Advances in Medicine, Psychology, and Public Health> Volume 2, Issue 2, 2025


      [Abstract] This paper investigates the pervasive stigma against mental illness and mental health, emphasizing the role of social media in shaping public attitudes and perceptions. Stigma, historically rooted in negative attitudes and discriminatory practices, continues to pose significant barriers for individuals with mental disorders. The article highlights various forms of prejudice, including those against mental illness, and examines the cultural, personal, and experiential factors contributing to these biases. The concept of stigma is dissected to reveal its cognitive, affective, and behavioral components, as well as its historical origins and contemporary implications. Social media serves as a double-edged sword in this context: it can foster supportive communities and reduce stigma through shared personal experiences and increased awareness, yet it also risks perpetuating harmful stereotypes and misinformation. The dual impact of social media is analyzed, showing its potential to both alleviate and exacerbate feelings of social isolation, loneliness, and inadequacy, particularly among vulnerable populations. The study discusses the negative effects of idealized representations, negative social comparisons, and cyberbullying, which can amplify anxiety, depression, and self-stigma. Conversely, social media can offer a platform for positive change, encouraging open discussions and mutual support. Concluding, the paper underscores the need for continuous public education, challenging harmful stereotypes, and fostering inclusive environments. Addressing the misconceptions propagated through social media is crucial in reducing stigma and promoting a compassionate, empathetic approach to mental health.
      Take-home message: Addressing mental health stigma is vital for a compassionate society. This commentary underscores the impact of prejudice and social media on public perceptions. Researchers should explore targeted interventions and regional stigma variations, while policymakers need strategies to combat discrimination and utilize social media for positive change.
      [Key words] Mental illness; mental health; prejudice; social media; stigma.

      论文原文:Amelia RIZZO, Lorena CALANDI, Monica FARANDA, et al. (2025). Stigma against mental illness and mental health: The role of social media. Advances in Medicine, Psychology, and Public Health, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 125–130.

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