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分享 (Solution) Xhorse chip crack failed! Error code: 13050001
2024-6-24 23:36
(Solution) Xhorse chip crack failed! Error code: 13050001
This article will share the problem and solution of the Xhorse chip crack failure reported by our customer Michal Stecki. Michal Stecki feedback: I used vh23 Smelecom to write Xhorse chip and multi prog I have this from the screenshot Solution: The power setting was 5 v default for ...
298 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lonsdor K518 PRO Program 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser all Keys Lost
2024-6-24 02:29
Lonsdor K518 PRO Program 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser all Keys Lost
Lonsdor K518 PRO can program 2024 Toyota Land Cruiser all smart keys lost by OBD successfully. Need to update Toyota AKL Online Calculation and use Lonsdor FP-30 Cable. No need for any pincode. Step1. Backup Immo Data Connect the FP-30 Cable to the smart box and K518 Pro. Immo Remote TO ...
251 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Fixed Xhorse Multi PROG Update and Language Change Issue
2024-6-23 21:53
Fixed Xhorse Multi PROG Update and Language Change Issue
This article will provide solutions to two customer-reported issues: Xhorse Multi Prog update issues and how to change the screen language from Chinese to English. 1. Customer Dawid from UK Hello, Xhorse Multi PROG It’s passed after a few attempts, sort it, please. Solution: Check ...
244 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2M2 TANK 2 Pro APP Download and Operation instructions
2024-6-14 05:22
2M2 TANK 2 Pro APP Download and Operation instructions
This article will guide you on how to download the 2M2 Tank 2 PRO APP and operating instructions, such as new user registration, Bluetooth connection, height level adjustment, clamp calibration, and so on. 1. How to download the Tank APP? Method 1: Click the link to download: https://apkpur ...
314 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Xhorse Condor XC-002 PRO Cut HON66 Key Tutorial
2024-6-13 03:51
Xhorse Condor XC-002 PRO Cut HON66 Key Tutorial
Today we'll discuss cutting a HON66 key with Xhorse Condor XC-002 PRO . Before cutting, always make sure the key-cutting machine is well-calibrated. Height Level Adjustment Method 1. 1)To start, we insert the original key with the help of a guiding block. We're gonna use a shim to make sure ...
165 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDEMOTO 900PRO BMW Motorcycle Connection Instruction
2024-6-11 21:21
OBDEMOTO 900PRO BMW Motorcycle Connection Instruction
OBDEMOTO 900PRO Key Programmer is a motorcycle diagnostic scanner that can provide diagnosis, key matching, and ODO mileage adjustment. Besides, it's also the BMW special machine to support all key lost add key programming by OBD without password or dismantling. Below is the BMW connecti ...
155 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 (Fixed) Software error when ACDP 1 authorization is transferred to ACDP 2
2024-6-7 04:01
(Fixed) Software error when ACDP 1 authorization is transferred to ACDP 2
Recently, we received feedback from a customer saying that after his ACDP 1 authorization was successfully transferred to ACDP 2 , the software had an error and could not be used normally: On Android, it shows "The program verification is abnormal". On the iPhone, it shows an "unknown error". ...
217 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 (Solved) VXDIAG VCX SE with Full Brands Software not working
2024-6-6 23:24
(Solved) VXDIAG VCX SE with Full Brands Software not working
Here is the 2 real customers' feedback on how OBD2SHOP.CO.UK engineers resolved their VXDIAG VCX SE software not working issue. 1. FromGualter Canelas (customer from Portugal) Feedback: Hello Eliza! How are you? Good? I have a problem with the ista d program.. it appears to update t ...
211 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 33 PCF Adapter Upgrade Tutorial
2024-6-5 05:51
Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 33 PCF Adapter Upgrade Tutorial
This tutorial is on upgrading the Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 33 PCF adapter step by step. If you're unable to learn the key or got the key learning fault with Mini ACDP-2 , this can help solve the problem. Check the video to view the detailed operation: https://youtu.be/PqAMQ_JhQZM How ...
153 次阅读|0 个评论

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