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分享 XTOOL IP900 vs IP900S vs IP919 vs IP919PRO, What's Different?
2024-9-29 05:19
XTOOL IP900 vs IP900S vs IP919 vs IP919PRO, What's Different?
How do you choose the best diagnostic scanner in the XTOOL IP series? Here we've picked out the best 4 in 2024 for comparison: XTOOL IP900 , IP900S , IP919 IP919PRO . The comparison table includes hardware configuration and main functions for reference. Comparison Table D ...
146 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Make an Extension Cable for Godiag GT106 Plus
2024-9-25 05:58
How to Make an Extension Cable for Godiag GT106 Plus
As we all know, a fuel injector test may require longer wires to assist with the testing. This article will show you how to make an extension cable for the Godiag GT106 Plus power cord. Tools Required: 1pc x GT106 Plus Power Cord with Fuse 2pcs x Clamps 2pcs x Rubber Protective Cover 1pc x E ...
99 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 34 VW MQB49 1404 5C Mileage Correction
2024-9-23 03:02
Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 34 VW MQB49 1404 5C Mileage Correction
This is a tutorial on how to use Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 + Module 34 to do VW MQB system 1404 5C chip model instrument mileage correction. Step1. Identify Odometer 1) Turn on the power switch and light up the instrument panel to record the original mileage: 16000km. 2) Connect the Mini ACDP p ...
97 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC
2024-9-20 03:17
Xhorse BIM TOOL PRO Fixed BMW Motorcycle Tire Pressure Monitor DTC
When trying the 4D and 8A key programming for BMW motorcycles on Key Tool Plus or VVDI2 , we may occasionally meet the DTCs on the screen that cannot be cleared. In case where "Tire Pressure Monitor Malfunction" appears after key programming of BMW motorcycles, we can resolve the problem by ...
104 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR Cluster Recalibration Software Upgrade in Sep.
2024-9-19 02:33
OBDSTAR Cluster Recalibration Software Upgrade in Sep.
OBDSTAR Cluster Recalibration Software Major Upgrade was released in September. The upgrades include Subaru, Nissan, Toyota, and Ford. Now it's available on OBDSTAR ODO Master , X300 Classic G3 X300 MINI Ford/Mazda . Please keep your device up to date with the latest features. Updat ...
125 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins
2024-9-17 23:46
LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 Add 2005 Ford F150 Key in 3 Mins
Today I will program a new key for the 2005 Ford F150 truck with LAUNCH Creader Elite 2.0 FGC scanner . This is a perfect scanner, really cheap and easy to use. Step1. Program Key Fob Manually 1. Open the ignition switch 8 times and hear those cycles. 2. Press the UNLOCK button on the ke ...
93 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Yanhua Benz/BMW Universal filter - Diagram for BMW
2024-9-13 06:00
Yanhua Benz/BMW Universal filter - Diagram for BMW
This post provides diagrams for connecting the Yanhua Benz/BMW Universal Filter to the BMW instrument. Below is an illustration for wiring: Black --------- GND Red --------- +12V White --------- +5V Purple -------- L1(CAN_L1) Green --------- H1(CAN_H1) Yellow --------- L2(CAN_L2 ...
139 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?
2024-9-12 04:53
How to Convert Truck 24V K-Line to 12V by GODIAG GT106 PLUS?
GODIAG GT106 PLUS is an adapter that can convert heavy truck diagnostic interface from 24V to 12V. With it, we can use the LAUNCH vehicle equipment for truck diagnosis. Converting the truck's 24V K-Line communication protocol to 12V K-Line can prevent the LAUNCH diagnostic head from burning. ...
85 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 TOPDON RLink X7 vs VXDIAG VCX SE vs NANO Comparison
2024-9-9 23:42
TOPDON RLink X7 vs VXDIAG VCX SE vs NANO Comparison
TOPDON RLink X7 is a VCI box that can be used with OE software to diagnose, program, modify, and perform other original equipment functions. Supports BMW , Benz , Porsche , VW GM series models. What's it different from the VXDIAG VCX SE or NANO diagnostic tool ? Here we've listed ...
153 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 34 VW MQB 1402 5A Mileage Correction
2024-9-2 22:52
Yanhua Mini ACDP Module 34 VW MQB 1402 5A Mileage Correction
This is a tutorial on mileage correction for the VW MQB system 1402 5A chip model instrument with Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 + Module 34 . Check the video to view the detailed operation:  Turn on the power switch on the car and light up the instrument panel. Record the original mileage, the ...
135 次阅读|0 个评论

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