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新闻评论 批评很需要讲究 (Criticism is A Must)

已有 1322 次阅读2017-6-22 07:25 分享到微信

新闻评论:批评很需要讲究 (Criticism is a must)



To Otto Warmbier he were killed, and criticize Obama, it  is not exact.




22 years old people, why it looks  he become a Intellectual like the age over 40 ? Television shows,accompanied by high-ranking officials and policemen,made an ambush for the later events, these should have nothing about Obama.


This problem is so not clear, there are a lot of people about it. Secretly take a portrait of the leader, by Supreme Court was sentenced to 15 years of reeducation through labour, also many kind North Koreans will resent it, only some  officials tend to state and power, fawn on higher-upsturn from side to side, they lead to the such pattern.


If the America position is turn to: a college student he has responsible for introducing North Korea, he has the obligation to promote North Korea, and he has the power to obtain publicity materials, that is the North Korea not do his work well, not tell Otto how to get the publicity materials. Mistakes all are excused, actively assertion capitalism (economic punishment), unexpected events must not happen.




India is after these people marry and have children, then allowed them to return the home country. A PLA man who fought for border between India and china, after marrying,their first baby can not live in the world, structions the Indian court for determination and control of death, that is conform to the laws of . Maybe North Korea has plans like it, Just by the "Denuclearization of the peninsula"to get it all not is.



"Transitional order is unreasonable" and "there is no respect for individuality"...  should be comment of the event.





If you use the Fitzgerald warship and ACX Crystal cargo ship  collision, to judge the last administration, criticism Obama, that is reasonable.



The gay It can make these people concept variation on the time and space, after the ships collision an hour just call help……,Mr Obama should firmly opposed any gay, at the the military, went do not hesitate to Increase punish to reject the gay behave, these are the President's duty.

Wide indulgence and dissonance, make 7 soldiers were killed.


(All over)







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