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哎,如果仅仅是药物反应 ……Ai,if it's just the drug reaction…(新闻评论) ... .. ...

已有 1072 次阅读2017-10-10 22:21 分享到微信

哎,如果仅仅是药物反应 ……

Ai, if it's just the drug reaction…

哎,如果仅仅是药物反应 ……Ai,if it's just the drug reaction…(新闻评论) ... .. ..._图1-1

哎,如果仅仅是药物反应 ……Ai,if it's just the drug reaction…(新闻评论) ... .. ..._图1-2


哎,如果仅仅是药物反应 ……Ai,if it's just the drug reaction…(新闻评论) ... .. ..._图1-3






如果看克里斯滕森是出于某一个闪念,他认为 PR.China 无视交通规律,将好端端的大回旋路口改建成了信号灯,制造了交通事故,或者是非常鄙视 Mailand的 某相关专业等,对来自那里的人群不需要尊重,失手肇事了,我们应该知道,这位物理学博士没有犯罪动机。除了肇事部分都是普通政治活动,依照通则应该不予立案……。


Ihatt's hard to believe, in an advanced legal contry, there is a 27 years natural person, who is being detained in a public prison and eat clonazepam.

The purpose of building prisons is to crack down on crime, prevent and stop the circulation of drugs (psychotropic drugs), and the world before Christensen is reversed?

The instructions for clonazepam were searched on the Internet, and there are many versions

Some show drowsiness, weak, and slow reaction..., and some show ataxia, will distraction,  hallucinations….

There are some copy tell us: at the middle of the last century, the US police and the US medical community consultation recognized a law, If psychotropic drugs are used, the prescribing physician will assume full legal responsibility for the consequences. Here is the center of, visiting scholars from Peking University were killed, we think that must pay for life with life, the punishment will be implemented on doctors who prescribe psychotropic drugs. Many countries in the world are copying the provision of law.

If Christensen is an idea that suddenly comes from mind,he thinks PR.China ignores the laws of science  take the hey big roundabout crossing rebuild into signal lights, traffic accidents were made, or very despised related professiona of the Mainland......,there is no need respect for the person from there, miss the accident, we should know, the doctor of physics he had no motive for crime. Except the part of accident causing, they're all political activities, according to the general rule it should not be placed on file.

We should how to do it ?







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