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曾经用“四足鼎立”否定“三权合一” Once use "Stabilise the main body with four . ...

已有 1277 次阅读2018-3-17 09:07 分享到微信


曾经用“四足鼎立”否定“三权合一” Once use "Stabilise the main body with four . ..._图1-1

”在 PR.China 政治阶段性向前时,“粉碎四人帮”(1976年)以后,最高举措就是党主席,人大委员长,国家主席,军委主席,总理分别由不同个人当任。当时好像是胡耀邦,李先念,彭真,赵紫阳,邓小平等,分别当纲的。




Once use "Stabilise the main body with four base points" negative "Three rights belong to one"

When stage development the political phase of PR.China, after  "smashed the Gang of Four (1976)", the highest measures are the Chairman of the Party, the Chairman of the National People's Congress, the President of the State, and the Chairman of the Military Commission, and the Prime Minister, they are appointed by the different individuals to serve as,  It was like Hu Yaobang, Li Xiannian, Peng Zhen, Zhao Ziyang, Deng Xiaoping and so on, respectively.

I remember a lot of treatises and Monographs in this aspect. The main point is that the "Three rights belong to one " is easy to have a national policy from individual will.   For example, declaring a state of war,the supreme leader has the right to decide, but "Stabilise the main body with four base points", when multiple leaders identity of views, it is possible to make the decision only. Thus, the error probability is drive down, to ensure the correct operation of the state machinery .From the history of human development, the right ideas and concepts are through inherit, are more important than any individual. So "Stabilise the main body with four base points"instead of  "Three rights belong to one".

Besides, the duty and leadership positions as a political resource,  fully developed should be "Stabilise the main body with four base points", the General Secretary, the prime minister, chairman, President, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the Pational Chairman of the Central Military Commission, were held by different person,  "Three rights belong to one" often leads to inappropriate personal worship. 








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