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Solved! Humzor NexzDAS Pro Bluetooth Tablet Doesn't Work

已有 495 次阅读2021-4-18 21:42 |系统分类:科技教育| Humzor, NexzDAS, Pro 分享到微信

Some customers gave feedback that when touching the screen there is something wrong with it. Here will show you how to solve the Humzor NexzDAS Pro Bluetooth 9.6inch tablet touch screen that doesn't work.

Customer problem 1:

I can start Humzor NexzDAS Pro, but I tap any function, the screen doesn’t respond and I cannot do anything and shows “No internet”.

eobdtool.co.uk engineer replied:

The interface is stuck, just return to the menu desktop, then try to connect to the network by hotspot 

Customer problem 2:

I want to use the Humzor NexzDAS Pro Bluetooth tablet, but it stops working and always stays in the same interface with the words “Allow NexzDAS to access photos, media, and files on your device?” as shown in the following figure.

eobdtool.co.uk engineer replied:

Method 1: Remove the shell of the NexzDAS Pro device to check if the touch screen can’t be touched because the glued shell presses the power off button

Method 2: If it also failed by method 1, reset the device

If you have the same problem, try to solve it by the methods above offered. Or you have other good suggestions, come and share them with us!







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