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【美国V视讯】 在全球新冠肺炎流行期间,隔离已成为常态,但位于新泽西州的一个青少年组织利用这个机会促进了中国和美国之间的文化交流。该组织由RutgersPreparatory School的两名高中生于2020年3月成立,旨在减少教育不平等并促进文化交流。“通过克服语言障碍和提高文化意识,我们可以将来自世界各地的人联系起来,”共同创始人宋恬然说。









创始人:TianranSong 宋恬然


创始人:JenniferHu 胡樱


负责人:RichardZhu 朱宇轩


课程编制&人力资源总监:ChristineLing 凌子衿


市场推广总监:ArielFu 傅歆玥

“谢谢,你们组织的真的很棒。我来自农村,没有英语基础所以没有办法去教孩子,孩子上英语课外班有些题我也不会辅导。这里没有语言环境,孩子如果英语差他以后就会对英语抵触,对英语就越来越没有信心。真的希望孩子能向你们一样走出去,变得和你们一样优秀。幸好有你们。” —— Alfred家长






如果您对文化桥感兴趣,也欢迎关注我们的微信公众号文化桥CulturalBridge(culturalbridge2020)和 Instagram账 号( https://instagram.com/culturalbridgeedu?utm_medium=copy_link)

关于文化桥:文化桥是新泽西州官方的非营利性青少年组织,成立于新冠肺炎大流行期间。它的初衷是通过教育搭建文化的桥梁。通过一群才华横溢的高中生志愿者们的努力,文化桥希望能促进跨文化交流,以帮助来自世界各地的学生们克服语言障碍并成长为全球公民。文化桥已经举办了五期为期八周的英语辅导课程。此外,该组织还在RutgersPreparatory School和RidgeHigh School 设有分部,用于举办与文化交流相关的活动和筹款活动。最后,作为文化交流目标的一部分,文化桥举办了向公众开放的在线分享会,内容涉及音乐和教育系统等主题。

【Teen-Led Organization Provides Free Cultural Education During Pandemic】

Somerset, NJ - Quarantine and isolation have become the norm during the global COVID-19 pandemic, but a teen-led organization based in New Jersey has used this as an opportunity to foster cultural connections. The organization was founded in early March of 2020 by two high schoolers Tianran Song and Jennifer Hu from Rutgers Preparatory School to mitigate the pandemic’s disruption of education.

Although inspired by the issues that arose from the COVID-19 pandemic, their broader goal is to decrease educational inequality and foster intercultural dialogue. “By overcoming educational barriers and raising cultural awareness, we can connect people from all parts of the world and every walk of life,” says Tianran. And they have, through various programs and initiatives, Cultural Bridge has reached over 2000 people across 5 continents.

Recently, the sixth eight-week session of their English tutoring program began. Together, the co-founders and rising seniors Richard Zhu from the Peddie School, and Christine Ling from Ridge High School lead a group of over 100 tutors, curriculum developers, social media coordinators, and translators in organizing Cultural Bridge tutoring sessions that are

free-of-charge. The program uses lessons centered around common American literature and simple word games in order to teach students from underserved areas across the globe about the English language and American culture. Students are sorted into four different levels based on their English proficiency and paired with volunteer tutors for one-on-one lessons.

“I have always been passionate about American literature and poetry, and through Cultural Bridge I can share the magic of these writings with others,” says Richard Zhu. “Being both a leader and a tutor, I have seen firsthand how individualized lessons on topics like mythology, technology, and the Grammys have catalyzed student interest in the unique culture of the United States.”

"In the beginning, our team consisted of only less than fifteen people. After our continuous improvement and thanks to the promotion by our students and their parents, our team has gradually grown," says Ying (Jennifer) Hu. In total, over 3000 community service hours have been awarded through the tutoring program and the program has received great feedback from students and parents.

“Thank you. I’m from rural China. I value education, but there is no language learning environment here. I don't know English so there is no way for me to teach my son. My son was losing his confidence and resisted learning English. Fortunately, we met tutors from Cultural Bridge. My son learned so much and stepped out of his comfort zone to speak English.”—— Alfred's father, Parent Translated by Tianran)

“In addition to fostering cultural exchange, we wanted to further aid students from underserved areas with limited educational resources, '' says Ying (Jennifer) Hu. In addition to tutoring, as part of the DreamStart initiative, Cultural Bridge and its chapter at Ridge High School has in total donated more than $1500 to support the education of underprivileged children through various fundraisers.

The team looks to continue their tutoring program and fundraising initiatives during and after the pandemic with the continued support of students, parents, volunteers and contributors.

“Through the Internet and other digital media, we hope that more people can learn about the passion that our executive directors and volunteer staff have for the Cultural Bridge initiative. We hope to, through these media, convey our unwavering faith in the power of teaching and cultural exchange,” says Ariel Fu, Director of Marketing.

To contribute, join or partner with Cultural Bridge, please visit https://www.culturalbridgeedu.org/ or email culturalbridgeprogram@gmail.com.


About Cultural Bridge: Cultural Bridge is an official New Jersey non-profit, youth organization founded in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its mission is to bridge cultures through education. Through the work of a talented group of volunteers, Cultural Bridge fosters intercultural dialogue that overcomes language barriers so that its students will grow up to be global citizens. Cultural Bridge has hosted five 8-week tutoring sessions. Moreover, the organization also has affiliated chapters at Rutgers Preparatory School and Ridge High school that host activities and fundraisers related to the nonprofit's cultural exchange. Finally, Cultural Bridge has hosted webinars open to the public on specific topics like music and the American education system as part of its goal of cultural exchange.







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