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Tears and pain

已有 878 次阅读2009-11-24 08:43 |个人分类:情感分享到微信

Crying, tired, do not know how to reconcile the minds of their own has always been difficult, if stomach want to say it, Air Jordan 2 but I do not know who to tell, only mediation and drink their own, perhaps drunk, crying, tired of crying when Hou is my most comfortable when no one knew how you would like to, no one knows the pain in your heart, no one to take the pain in your heart,
    Sometimes, I tell myself, Jordan ii to understand the hearts of their own and do not want you, but I can not do, time is the best medicine, but for such a long period of time, the heart still can not forget you, I do not know why would have thought this way, sometimes I really want to clear their own considerations, to other cities, but I fear, I fear, I'm afraid of loneliness, fear of loneliness,
    I know I should not bother you, sneakers shoes I will not bother you, you do not belong to me, I do not adhere to, although I feel uncomfortable, like you, I know you will not bother me do not fall apart,
     Perhaps only to forget myself, to make themselves happier, more well-being. . . . . . . .


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