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热度 7已有 2482 次阅读2024-5-1 07:24 |个人分类:纽约风情万种|系统分类:艺术分享到微信


The Roof Garden Commission: Petrit Halilaj, Abetare

Exhibition Dates: April 30–October 27, 2024
Exhibition Location: The Met Fifth Avenue The Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden, Gallery 926


Kosovar artist Petrit Halilaj (born 1986, Kostërc, former Yugoslavia) has been commissioned to create a site-specific installation for the Museum’s Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden. For the artist's first major project in the United States, Halilaj has transformed The Met Roof with a sprawling sculptural installation.

Halilaj's work is deeply connected to the recent history of his native country, Kosovo, and the consequences of cultural and political tensions in the region. After a formative period in Italy, where he studied art at the Accademia di Brera in Milan, he moved to Berlin in 2008, where he still lives and works. His projects encompass a variety of media, including sculpture, drawing, poetry, and performance.

About the Artist
Petrit Halilaj is a Kosovar artist born in 1986 who endured the war in the Balkan region during the 1990s. After a formative period in Italy, where he studied art at the Accademia di Brera in Milan, he moved to Berlin in 2008, where he still lives and has his studio. His projects encompass a variety of media, including sculpture, drawing, poetry, and performance. Often incorporating material histories from his native land and manifesting as ambitious spatial installations, his work distills personal relationships, memories, and experiences into sculptural propositions.

Halilaj’s work has steadily gained international recognition over the past few years, with important exhibitions held at TBA21-Academy’s Ocean Space, Venice (2023); Tate St Ives (2021); Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid (2020); Paul Klee Zentrum, Berna (2018); Fondazione Merz, Turin (2018), New Museum, New York (2017); Hangar Bicocca, Milan (2015); Kölnischer Kunstverein, Cologne (2015); and Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn (2015). In 2013, he represented his country in the first Kosovo Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. In 2022, he participated in Manifesta 14, held in Pristina, Kosovo. In November 2023, a retrospective of his work opened at the Museo Tamayo, Mexico City.















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