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已有 3238 次阅读2010-2-5 01:39 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信



1. 文明:   人类社会进步发展和谐地有价值的形式

   [Civilization] Human society progress development harmoniously valuable form of value

2. 科学:探索认识适应改造创造社会与自然的活动中所达成地目标获取高效率的方法

     [Science] The exploration knew that in the adaptation transformation creation society and the natural activity achieves the goal to gain the high efficiency method

3. 文化:传承与发展人类社会的物质财富精神财富获得与追求的能力和方法

    [Culture]  Inherits and develops human society's material wealth spiritual wealth to obtain with pursue ability and the method

4. 知识:追求获得适应和改造自然与社会的有价值的生活方法

  [Knowledge] The pursue obtains the adaptation and the transformation nature and society's valuable means of livelihood

                              详解登陆:  http://blog.sina.com.cn/yslcwm  )



1. 文明: 社会发展到较高阶段表现出来的状态
  ( 点评:这句话的意思不明确,没有说服力。文明的核心是让大家明白--是非 )

2. 科学: 反应自然社会思维的客观规律分科的知识体系
  ( 点评:说的是各个学科,知识体系属于文化的范畴,没有说服力。科学的核心是运用能力---效率 )

3. 文化: 人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和
  ( 点评:说的是财富,财富是劳动的结果,劳动可以个人行为,文化表现是群体的 )

4. 知识:人们在改造世界的实践中所获得的认识和经验的总和   ( 点评:缺说服力,知识的核心是生活能力 )  注:‘人们在改造世界的实践中所获得的认识和经验的总和’这句话虽有一定正面的知识概念,但语意也有很大的不确定性,原因是"认识和经验的总和"自然包含了“错误的认识和错误的经验”, 故“认识和经验”不一定都是正面的知识概念,也可以是负面的。释义必须考虑正反两方面的因素,不然“义”的严肃性就会遭到质疑。[ 同样有“状态”的错误 ]

核心提示 词[字]典“文明”解释剖析:‘社会发展到较高阶段表现出来的状态’这句话没有明确地文明形式,有语法错误、语意带有很大的不确定性,简单地归纳起来有三层意思:(1)[文明状态] 民主社会的法制化、劳动生产高度机戒智能、科学技术高度发达、社会和谐、等等;(2)[非文明状态] 高科技犯罪、贸易保护、种族歧视、等等;(3)[黑暗恐怖状态] 政治斗争、民族战争、阶级斗争、等等;三层意思都符合该“状态”。 词[字]典一相情愿“文明状态”显然指的是(1)种,后(2)、(3)被忽略了,有严重的逻辑错误,因它的权威性、其结果导致思想理论强迫假想文明的预期,意识形态发生了严重地扭曲,给人的智商和社会价值体系造成巨大伤害。


.Chinese dictionary explained that “Civilized standard” has the serious logical error  

   "Social development high stage demonstration situation"=Civilization: These expression_r_r civilization's form, the meaning is not clear has the very big uncertainty, the creation has three meanings: (1) [civilized situation] the democratic community's legalization, the production automatic program control, the science and technology develop highly harmoniously, the society progresses, and so on; (2) [the non-civilized situations] abuse the science and technology to continue the criminal activity, the trade protection, the racial discrimination, and so on; (3) [dark terrorist situations] political struggle, war, class struggle, and so on; According to this “the condition” three meanings. [Chinese dictionary] the standard one-sided desire “the is mentioned in the opposite, because its authority's civilising condition” is (1) type obviously, the latter (2), (3) has been neglected, has the serious logical error, its result creation expectation idea theory strength imagination civilization, the ideology had enforces, has created person's intelligence quotient and the social value system huge damage.

 (Author name: Deng Shaohua; Unit of work: Unemployment; Address: [mail address] Chongqing Beibei local bei col 113; The post office arranges the digit: 400700. )






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