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Prahistorische Bronzefunde (PBF asia)

已有 1307 次阅读2011-4-11 09:30 |系统分类:杂谈分享到微信

Authors:Gerd Weisgerber, Paul Yule
Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag
Keywords: prahistorische, bronzefunde, pbf asia, oman, sultanate, hoard, ibri, selme, metal
Number of Pages: 106
Published: 2001-12-01
List price: unknow
ISBN-10: 3515071539
ISBN-13: 9783515071536


The accidental discovery of the hoard of metal weapons, bangles, and vessels in the desert plain called Selme in August of 1979 evoked a complicated chain of events which led to the final publication. The Department of Antiquities and foreign experts cooperated to preserve the finds, which were threatened by progressive corrosion, and see the documentation and publication through to its end. The finds were restored and studied metallurgically in the German Mining Museum. Other projects on the archaeology of Oman which took place at the same time yielded much additional information on the hoard and its historical importance. 508 metal artefacts comprise the hoard itself and 82 stone and ceramic vessels belong to the tomb in which the hoard was hidden. This is the largest metal hoard ever found in the ancient Near East. It is studied from the standpoint of the metallurgy of the finds and their prehistoric context. The Selme hoard is a main source for the prehistoric metalwork of South-eastern Arabia. aa the usual impeccable standard of the Prahistorische Bronzefunde series.o Antiquity . (Franz Steiner 2001)
作者:金属武器,手镯囤积偶然发现,在平原和船只称为Selme 19798月诱发的事件而导致最终的出版物复杂链沙漠。该器物处和外国专家合作,以维护这些发现,并得到逐步侵蚀的威胁,并查看文件和出版物,通过它的结束。这些发现和研究恢复了在德国冶金矿山博物馆。对阿曼考古学发生在同一时间举行取得了很大的储备,其历史重要性的其他信息的其他项目。 508金属文物包括囤积本身和82石和陶瓷船只属于囤积在其中隐藏了坟墓。这是有史以来最大的金属囤积在古代近东发现。它是研究从这些发现的冶金和史前方面的立场。该Selme囤积是对东南欧阿拉伯史前金工的主要来源。机管局的Prahistorische Bronzefunde series.o古代通常无可挑剔的标准。 (弗兰茨施泰纳2001







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