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Moving on

已有 887 次阅读2011-8-9 21:28 分享到微信

Moving On

Where did you go?

What happen to you?

You know I have been using

all my might to find you.

Do you know?

You were my best friend.

The only friend I had made in my life.

You understood me like no others,

not even my parents.

But why,

why you had to disappear like that?

Leaving me all alone again.

One day,

I found you online.

You moved to a distant country,

Made so much fabulous friends.

As I read on,

I found a picture.

A blank and white photo

I took for you.

Holding the balloons that

I bought for you.

Looking away into the wooden wall,

thinking about endless sky.

Under that,

you wrote something.

Something important to my life.

I am sorry that I moved all of sudden,

it is a family emergency.

I am sorry that I never left any explanation.

I am your best friend,

and I will always be one.

But please move on,

I shall not be the only friend you have.”

Thank you,

Now I know how to move on.

But still,

you are my best friend forever...







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