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已有 1318 次阅读2011-8-13 14:21 分享到微信


I'm always alone.

Alone in the world

and no one cares.

I believe my only friend is

my own shadow.

Always following me around,

without a single word.

Everyone in the class treat me

as a invisible person.

Huh? Who is he/she? Who is that boy/girl?”

The usual response when they hear my name.

I am a loner.

The loner that no one wants to be friend with,

the loner that boys pick on,

the loner that girls ignore with.

I always cry at night

in my bed.

So one one can hear me,

hear my lonely cry.

I cry because I don't want to be a loner,

I want to have the courage to talk to people.

But I don't,

so I keep on crying.

Until one day,

you appear.

You quickly become the most popular person

with your sunny grins and your messy hair.

I just sit in the corner,

watching you.

Imagining what will it be like

if I can be friend with you.

By hearing gasps,

I look up.

Seeing your amber brown eyes

and hears,

what is your name?

You look pretty. Wanna be my best friend?”

from that day on, my best friend is not my own shadow anymore.

I am not a loner too.

I am a brand new person.







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