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Scania VCI3 SDP3 2.44.1 Download Free & Installation Guide

已有 1929 次阅读2020-9-9 22:45 |系统分类:科技教育| Scania, VCI3, SDP3 分享到微信

Tutorial: Scania VCI3 SDP3 2.44.1 software free download and Windows 7 install.
Scania SDP3 2.44.1 download link (Chinese weiyun):
Password: z82hu0
No risk

SDP3 2.44.1 download link (Mega):
Password: sdp3_covid_2020
Source: mhh forum (credits to @ JOSE BRENO)

Security: it’s tested 100% working fine with all available Scania VCI3 truck diagnostic tools [item No. SH58 & SH58-B (simply version and cheap), SH58-C (best quality)]
Operating system: Windows 7 or Win10 32 bit/64 bit
Supported Languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Japanese, Dutch, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Norwegian, Suomi, Turkish, Italian, Czech, Russian, Chinese

Scania SDP3 2.44.1 New Features:
The program is used for troubleshooting, adjusting customer parameters, calibrations, conversions affecting the electrical system and updating software in control units.
-New general features No major new general features in the issue.
-New system-specific features
-Driver assistance system
-User function 522 Lane keep assist has been added. It is possible to read the version number of the functions to compare with e.g. the certification document.

How to install and activate Scania SDP3 V2.44.1?
Please refer to SDP3 V2.43.1 installation guide on Win7: 

More Scania SDP3 software download and installation posts for reference:
Scania SDP3 2.37.2 Diagnose & Programmer free download: Safest

Scania VCI3 SDP3 V2.31 window7 download, install & activation:

Free download Scania SDP3 2.31 2.30 2.29 2.28 ALL links OK

SCANIA VCI3 SDP3 V2.27 Crack Software Installation and Test Video:







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