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VVDI Key Tool Plus Programs Tata Nexon Smart Key

已有 623 次阅读2021-3-11 22:17 |系统分类:科技教育| vvdi, key, tool, plus 分享到微信

This article is available with how to use VVDI Key Tool Plus to program Tata Nexon smart key.

Here are the steps:

  1. Click “All smart keys lost”.

All smart keys lost

  1. When the screen shows “All keys will be cleared and re-program is required to start the vehicle, Yes or no”, click “Yes”.

  1. Put another smart key out of the car and put the first smart key to be programmed in the sensing area in front of the shift lever, then click “OK”.

  1. Take out the first key quickly within 10 seconds and put it out of the car and put the second smart key to be programmed in the sensing area in front of the shift lever. Then click “OK”.

  1. When the screen shows the number of keys is 2, click “OK”.

Now, you can test the key. Bravo! VVDI Key Tool Plus can program Tata Nexon smart key perfectly! If you want to know more about VVDI Key Tool Plus, please go to https://www.eobdtool.co.uk/wholesale/xhorse-vvdi-key-tool-plus-pad.html







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