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Solved! Refresh autel im508/im608 with flash file when crashed

已有 697 次阅读2021-4-14 21:59 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, im508 分享到微信

Sometimes, Autel key programmers such as IM508 or Autel IM608 may stop working (crash), and there is a problem with the application or tablet. You can refresh the device with the corresponding flash file provided for different situations.

Check the guide to flash the Autel tablet.

Need to know:

1.When open the Autel tablet shell, please do it slowly. Do not pull the wire inside.

2.When installing the shell back, please align before installation. Do not touch the motherboard components to cause collision parts.

Step 1: Open the cover on the back of Autel IM508 or Autel IM608 

Remove the battery so that you can insert the SD card

Note: Sometimes your device needs to be sent back to repair, you’d better remove the battery using the method above before sending.

The following location marked is where the SD card is placed.

Step 2: Unzip the corresponding flash file and put the unzipped file in the SD card

Step 3: Insert the SD card in the location above

Step 4: Reboot the device

SD card format requirement: 

TF card, 4G and above, FAT32 format

That’s all!

If you have any problem with Autel MaxiIM IM508 or other devices, please feel free to contact our customer service.

Contact info:

Whatsapp: +86-15972933706

Email: Sales@EOBDtool.co.uk

Skype: eobdtool.co.uk


site: http://blog.eobdtool.co.uk/how-to-flash-autel-im508-im608-with-flash-file/







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