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Xhorse Key Tool Plus Does 2011 AUDI A4 All Keys Lost Key Programming

已有 1186 次阅读2021-6-9 23:12 | vvdi, key, tool 分享到微信

This article will share a detailed tutorial of using Key Tool Plus to program all keys lost through OBD for 2011 AUDI A4. Here we go!


Connect VVDI Key Tool Plus to the OBD port of the vehicle via the OBD cable

Go to Immo Programming-> Audi-> Select by type-> Fifth Immobilizer System

Step 1: Read BCM data

Select Read by OBDII-> Read BCM2 Data (OBD II)

Read the on-screen instruction, and follow it to open the headlight, and step on the brake before continue.

Read out the key info 

The total key number is 3 and the current key is not authenticated/ locked/ learned

Disconnect BCM module from power for 2-3 seconds and reconnect again

After reading data successfully, save the data file

Step 2: Make dealer key

Select “A4L, A5, Q6 add a key or lost all key- Don’t need working key”

Then load the BCM2 data read in step 1

Put a key into the coil of Key Tool Plus Pad 

Start to read key… reprogram key info… write data…

Make key successfully

Step 3: Learn key

Input the number of keys to be learned

Load the BCM2 data read in step 1 again

Insert the dealer key into the ignition (or nearby ignition coil), open the headlight, and step on the brake before continue

Start to transfer/receive data…

The key is to learn successfully.









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