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Volvo Key Programming Tool Comparison: Autel, Vida, and Xhorse

已有 1241 次阅读2021-11-16 21:40 |系统分类:科技教育| autel, im608 分享到微信

This article is about to compare different ways to program Volvo keys. We'll cover tools from Autel, Vida, and Xhorse.

1. Autel IM508/IM608


Very good coverage for Volvo if you are willing to dump.

Detailed Guidance on tablet.


To enjoy good coverage, you may need to remove immo module or desolder chip.

High price point and annual update subscription fees.

Here is Vehicle Coverage:


Example: Volvo XC90 2011+ all keys lost by IM508

General procedure:

Remove CEM module>>Desolder chip>>Clamp chip by EEPROM clamp>>“Programmer”>>“Write key via dump”>>Select vehicle and chip type>>Read and save file>>select key position>>Put ID48 transponder in key programmer(XP200/XP400/Autel XP400Pro)>>“Make key”>>save new file>>Restore CEM

2. OEM Software - Volvo VIDA


Volvo Key programming & Diagnosis via OBD.

Only with VIDA can you program Volvo remote.

Affordable and Flexible software purchase (eg. 3-day subscription)


Need other tools for vehicles except Volvo, if anything. 

Example: Volvo XC90 remote programming

Connect vehicle to PC to download VIDA software. You can use Autel J2534 box like Autel IM608 MaxiFlash J2534 or other J2534 adapters to connect them. 

General procedure:

Download software>>Add key>>Put key in required position

3. Xhorse - Volvo solder-free adapter set


Many tools support reading Volvo immo module.

Solder-free adapters for Volvo.

Frequent update on solder-free adapters for specific vehicles. (Audi Solder-free BCM adapter, Ford AKL cableBMW Solder-free adapter set...)


Many solder-free adapters are updated on the basis of VVDI Key Tool Plus, but this pad is expensive.

Optional purchase of new adapters.

Volvo Adapter Set(2 CEM adapters + 1 KVM adapter):


We can see that different methods have their own features and requirements. For Volvo only, nothing can be compared to VIDA because of the big charm - remote programming via OBD. However, one tool is never enough, you still need other tools for other vehicles. 

Alright, may you find the best way for yourself?

More info, you can check

UK Professional OBD2 Tools Online Shop







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